Impersonal exchange with third-party enforcement

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131713452

1. Suppose you have formed a company that is pursuing a product or service that is the current hot fad among investors and it appears that you could quickly enhance your personal wealth as well as quickly provide funds for your company through an IPO. It seems like an awesome opportunity. However, why might you wish to turn it down?

2. What is the benefit of formal, rule-based, impersonal exchange with third-party enforcement (often termed arm's-length transaction) versus informal institutions? Why can't we assume that formal institutions are inherently better than informal ones? How do formal and informal institutions complement each other?

Reference no: EM131713452

Questions Cloud

Explain the significance of operations in a business : Explain the significance of operations in a business? What are the key factors to consider in the location decision?
Write a brief email on the vacation policy changes : Your supervisor has asked to you write a brief email on the vacation policy changes to be distributed to staff.
Organization manufacturing facility to asia : Discuss one major advantage and one major disadvantage of outsourcing an organization's manufacturing facility to asia.
What are the different types of buyers and consumers : What are the different types of buyers and consumers, How can an organization ensure that their market strategy is appropriate for their target market
Impersonal exchange with third-party enforcement : What is the benefit of formal, rule-based, impersonal exchange with third-party enforcement (often termed arm's-length transaction) versus informal institutions
Discuss what is marketing research : How has the Internet affected marketing research. As a part of your answer, address time, cost, approaches, and validity.
What kind of research questions are writers trying to answer : What kinds of research questions are writers trying to answer? What sources should I use? Are there gaps in the info?
Discuss intercultural communication situations : Intercultural communication situations,use an example of when someone else nonverbally communicated something to you that was different than what they meant
Era of healthcare reform : Describe the two initiatives on which the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is based.


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