Impacts of the united states and china trade war

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133185580

Create a final report for the industry you selected detailing the impacts of the United States/China trade war. This report should address the following topics:

major issues of the trade war;

the tactics and measures taken by the United States and China during the trade war;

the impacts of the trade war on

the central economic problem of allocating scarce resources,

unemployment and inflation rates in the United States,

fiscal and/or monetary policy decisions,

the determination of foreign exchange rates based on supply and demand,

international trade between the United States and nations other than China, and

the long-range (5-year) potential impacts of the trade war on your selected industry.

Reference no: EM133185580

Questions Cloud

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Quantitative methods : Discuss how you would determine whether positive, negative, or no correlation exists between two variables by looking at the scatter diagram.
Tax system : The tax system is how the U.S. Government raises the revenue it needs to provide goods and services for its citizens.
Face of globalization : In the face of globalization, Caribbean Economies are increasingly required to become competitive.
Impacts of the united states and china trade war : Create a final report for the industry you selected detailing the impacts of the United States/China trade war.
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