Reference no: EM133711133
Address the 3 wider implications of your interpretation:
Topic sentence: The labor market effects of immigration entail considerations such as the impact on employment opportunities, wage effects, the skill composition of immigrants, and sector-specific impacts.
passage: "High-skilled immigrants make important contributions to U.S. productivity growth. By making it easier for talented foreign students to stay on in the country once their studies are finished, their contributions could be even
larger." (Hanson. 2012).
interpretation: Highly skilled immigrants make a significant contribution to the country's productivity growth. This growth is essential for economic development as it leads to increased production of goods and services per hour of work. Consequently, businesses can experience higher profits, workers can earn better wages, and the overall standard of living can improve. The quote suggests that the U.S. could benefit even more from highly skilled immigrants if it were easier for international students to remain in the country after completing their studies. Many international students come to the U.S. to study in fields like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), where there is a high demand for skilled workers in the U.S. If these students were allowed to stay and work in the U.S. after graduation, they could fill these high-demand roles and further contribute to productivity growth.
passage: "fewer natives are drawn to unskilled secondary-sector jobs. Thus, illegal immigrants only compete with native workers to a limited extent; for the most part, these immigrants satisfy the growing labour shortage in the secondary labour market." (Naadur 2009)
interpretation: The economic impact of immigration, particularly illegal immigration, on the job market suggests that native-born individuals are less likely to seek employment in unskilled, secondary-sector jobs. The secondary sector of the economy includes industries that produce a finished, usable product or are involved in construction. These jobs often require manual labor and are sometimes considered less desirable. Illegal immigrants are not so much taking jobs away from native workers, but rather filling a gap in the labor market. This is because they are primarily taking on jobs in the secondary sector that native workers are not filling.
Body Paragraph 2
Topic/transition sentence: The impact of immigration on public expenditure and taxes encompasses immigrants' utilization of social services, their tax contributions, the net fiscal impact, and the long-term economic contributions of immigrants.
passage: " Data gathered by the Mexican Migration Project demonstrated that undocumented immigrants do pay taxes; 66 per cent of undocumented migrants reported that their employers withheld Social Security taxes from their pay and 62 per cent that employers withheld income taxes". (Naadur, 2009).
interpretation: The Mexican Migration Project, which collects data on Mexican-U.S. migration, has discovered that 66 percent of undocumented immigrants are paying taxes, including Social Security and income taxes. This challenges the misconception that they do not contribute to the economy. This demonstrates that undocumented immigrants are contributing to various government programs and infrastructure funding.
passage: "U.S. consumers also benefit to the extent that immigrants drive down the cost of goods and services which use a lot of low-skilled labor, such as house hold production (maids and nannies).10% increase in immigration lowered the price of "low-skilled intensive" goods and services by 1%." (Lewis, 2007).
interpretation: As more immigrants join the U.S. workforce, especially in low-skilled positions, the labor supply increases. This surplus of labor can result in reduced wages in these specific fields as employers have a larger pool of potential workers to choose from. Consequently, the decreased wages for these jobs can reduce the cost of services such as housekeeping or childcare. This cost reduction ultimately benefits U.S. consumers, who can now access these services at a lower price. This pattern suggests that a 10% rise in immigration correlates with a 1% decrease in the cost of goods and services heavily reliant on low-skilled labor.
Body Paragraph 3
Topic/transition sentence: The demographic and fiscal impacts of immigration encompass a range of dimensions, including the fiscal costs associated with immigration, and the economic advantages stemming from a diverse workforce.
passage: "The Urban Institute study of 1995 found that
education was the highest public expenditure that illegal immigrants imposed, accounting for a total of $3.08 billion dollars in the seven states surveyed, with California bearing a burden of $1.3 billion annually. Thus, similar to health-care costs. ( Naadur, 2009).
interpretation: The Urban Institute study of 1995 found that education was the highest public expenditure that illegal immigrants imposed. This means that, according to this study, more public money was spent on providing education to illegal immigrants than on any other service. The money paying for these services are citizens with the tax money. This also occur with Health services. This creates a burden in the economy of the United States.
passage: " The presence of Mexican workers in California creates a new market for toritllas, used cars, and Hispanic radio stations, in turn creating jobs for tortilla makers, used car dealers, and advertising sales representatives." ( Carey, 2011).
interpretation: The quote illustrates how the presence of a specific demographic, in this case, Mexican workers in California, can stimulate demand in certain sectors of the economy, leading to job creation and economic growth. The demand created by the Mexican workers leads to an increase in the production of goods and services. This increase in production requires more labor, thus creating jobs for people in these industries. This is a practical example of how immigration can have positive economic impacts