Impacts of a leadership topic of personal interest

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM1342321

Leadership: Impacts of a leadership topic of personal interest

Impacts of a leadership topic of personal interest. You are to prepare a research report on the impact that a specific "state-of-the-art" leadership topic that you find of particular interest for your personal development. Select a topic that is having, or is likely to have, on you and your future. You paper should use a heading for each section for easy reading. The bolded terms in the rest of this document are recommended headings for your project paper. Your paper should contain the following sections:

An abstract of 100 words that summarizes the topic clearly

The main body of the report

- An interesting introduction to the main topic in the report

- Description of how you believe you will be personally influence by the topic. Briefly trace the development of your interest the topic. What aspect of your life (career, family, wealth, retirement, etc. ) will be impacted

- Citations of references to at least six articles related to the topic and/or to your interest.

- A logical flow of thought linked to what you have found with reference to the topic

- **Summary of the potential influence of the topic on the lives of others

- **Parenthetical citations throughout the text using APA style bibliography of references cited at the end of the report using
APA style, with no fewer than six references

- Overall writing skills including clarity, use of suggested headings, consistency in format and style use, organization, free of spelling and grammar mistakes

- The final paper should include whatever diagrams and appendices you feel are appropriate.

Note: The assignment should be in APA style, include references (a minimum six >>>>>>> non-internet <<<<<<<< references (e.g. academic journals, book, professional publications) in addition to any internet resources they may use), and a bibliography. The assignment should show that you clearly have the ability to conduct research, cite sources to support arguments and write in a coherent, organized fashion.

Reference no: EM1342321

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