Impact on the recipients of medicare

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187895

Medicare has been in existence since 1965, and during the intervening years, its original design has been greatly modified. The recipients of Medicare may have stayed basically the same, but the delivery, types of services, control, and regulations have changed significantly and continue to change.

Kaiser Family Foundation. (2011). Restructuring Medicare's beneficiary design: Implications for beneficiaries and spending. Retrieved from Restructuring Medicare's Benefit Design: Implications for Beneficiaries and Spending.

Kaiser Family Foundation. (2012). Medicare's role for dual-eligible beneficiaries. Retrieved from Medicare's Role for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries.

Address the following questions:

Identify one or two main points from each selected article.

Explain in detail the issues presented in the articles and their impact on the recipients of Medicare.

Explain in detail the issues presented in the articles and their impact on the providers to Medicare recipients.

Reference no: EM133187895

Questions Cloud

What trade-offs could have been initiated : What could have been done differently, and had the risk been identified, what trade-offs could have been initiated?
Ability to implement earned value metrics : Think of a time when you needed to monitor and report progress, but you did not have the ability to implement earned value metrics (EVM).
Service positioning versus product process : Examine the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in business. Determine how CRM systems can play a critical role in managing value chains.
Cause for national health insurance : Has the implementation of Medicare actually forwarded the cause for national health insurance or impeded its progress? Discuss.
Impact on the recipients of medicare : Explain in detail the issues presented in the articles and their impact on the recipients of Medicare.
Discuss two internal factors : Identify and discuss two internal factors, using information from chapter 4, for the company in the article.
Company strengths really weaknesses : Think back to the article, Are Your Company's Strengths Really Weaknesses?
Nonverbal communication : Consider how you use nonverbal communication. Explain how your culture influences how you interpret and use nonverbal communication.
Distribution and network models : We know that most problems which have resources to be allocated from many sources to multiple destinations can be solved using the maximum flow method


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