Impact on the environment and human health

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132764567

Assignment for urban and regional planning its on Adelaide city

Topic - Different Mode of transport impact on the environment and human health (in adelaide)

This course provides the opportunity to complete an original, individual research project that you would have developed through the course of completing AAD Research Methods and the course Planning Research Project A (either as a prerequisite in Study Period 2 or as a co-requisite in study period 5 for mid-year entry Masters' urban and regional planning students. The key assignments in the course Planning Research Project A (ARCH 5049) provide the basis for successfully completing your Masters thesis, and are structured to assist in both developing the appropriate structure for your thesis as well as providing substantive content for your thesis. The course aims to have you independently complete a substantial and significant research project, in which a research question/s derived from a literature review, and resolved through the development of an argument supported by appropriate primary or secondary sources of evidence conducted in an ethical manner, using an appropriate research method/s to produce research findings that culminate in recommendations for improved planning solutions in the form of recommendations, a strategy or strategies, and/or policies.


1. Thesis title page-internal-(Bold type indicates what should appear on this page) :
-Thesis title
-Thesis author (and declaration of authorship with your signature)
-Thesis supervisor name
-Statement "A Masters' thesis submitted as partial fulfillment for the requirements of the Master in Urban and Regional Planning degree"
-Month and year of thesis submission
-Human Research Ethics application number (if applicable)
-School of Art, Architecture and Design
-University of South Australia

2. Signed Declaration of and Statement of Authorship.
Suggested wording could be the following:
This thesis is submitted to the University of South Australia in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban and Regional Planning. This thesis (or parts thereof) have not been previously submitted for a course or degree at this or any other tertiary education institution.

3. Acknowledgments (optional)
An opportunity to acknowledge person/s and/or entities that made your research possible.

4. Dedication (optional)
An opportunity to recognise the role of a person/s that was influential to you.

5. Abstract
A thesis summary in the range of 200-300 words in length.

6. Table of Contents
A listing by chapter and chapter subsections, with the page number of the start of each section listed. Sections are listed in the order that they appear within the thesis, presented in a numbered sequence. The chapter and section numbering convention is "W.x.y.z.", where "W" is the chapter number, "x" is the subsection within chapter "W', "y" is a subsection of "x" and "z" is a subsection of "y". It is recommended to keep the hierarchy of sub-sections to a minimum.

7. List of Tables
A listing of tables presented in the order in which they occur, using the numbering convention "W.x", where "W" is the chapter number and "x" is the number of the table appearing within chapter "W". For the first table of any Chapter, "x" will be 1. The listing should indicate the page on which each table commences.

8. List of Figures
A listing of figures presented in the order in which they occur, using the numbering convention "W.x", where "W" is the chapter number and "x" is the number of the figure appearing within chapter "W". For the first figure of any Chapter, "x" will be 1. The listing should indicate the page on which each figure commences.

9. List of Appendices (if applicable)
A listing of the appendices presented in the order in which they appear, numbered An where "A" represents appendix and "n" is the number of the appendix. An appendix is normally used to provide additional research evidence or content relevant to the thesis that can not be conveniently accommodated within the main body of the thesis because it would disrupt the flow of discussion. Appendices should not exceed more than one third of the main body of the thesis. An appendix must be referred to in the main body of the thesis. Survey tools (such as the participant invitation letter, a questionnaire survey, etc.) should be included in an appendix. Original survey data does not need to be provided in the thesis, but should be accessible separately if required.

10. Main Body of your thesis
This should have left justified text in a 10 point legible and clear font with 1.5 line spacing, and a 1.5cm margin all around the perimeter of the page. The word length of 9000 words applies to the main body of the thesis (i.e. exclusive of thesis preliminaries, your appendices, footnotes, references and text embedded within figures and tables). For this word length of thesis, 5-8 chapters are recommended, encompassing a thesis introduction, literature review, research methodology, results and research analysis culminating in research findings, planning solutions (such as actions, policies, strategies and recommendations) and a conclusion that highlights key points form each of the major sections of the thesis.

11. Appendices (if applicable)
One or more appendices can be placed after the main body of the thesis (refer to 8 above).

12. Footnotes (if applicable)
Footnotes should be numbered in consecutive order from 1 to "n" where "n" is the last integer in the sequence for a particular chapter. These should be grouped by chapter (under a chapter title), and always start a "1" for the first footnote in a chapter. Footnotes appear as a superscript above a text to provide additional explanation that would otherwise disrupt the flow of the thesis argument.

13. References
The Harvard referencing system should be used throughout the thesis. The reference list appears at the end of the thesis and references should be in alphabetical order. Please check with the library if you are unsure of the referencing conventions. Figures and tables should have their sources noted underneath where they appear in your thesis.

14. Original research data (such as from surveys, etc.) should be stored in a file/s and uploaded to the thesis upload portal on the LOL course website.

15. Supervisor Sign-off form. This should be uploaded as a file and uploaded to the thesis upload portal on the LOL course website

Attachment:- Environment and human health.rar

Verified Expert

This dissertation has covered important aspects associated with mode of transport in Adelaide. It has even discussed about corresponding impact of transport mode ie road transport on health of people and environment. The literature review has provided with sufficient information about air pollution, and other related contexts. The methodology section has even been extremely helpful.

Reference no: EM132764567

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