Impact of using ipads in classrooms

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Reference no: EM131196691 , Length: word count:2000

The Topic to reviewed is The impact of using iPads in classrooms (primary school education).16 or more references using the UniSA Havard referencing guide,2000 words literature review. sub headings to be involved.

The format should include an abstract introduction ,body with subheadings , conclusion and a full reference list.

Literature review completion and submission

Proposal documentation

Data collection instruments

Completing the literature review


Concluding paragraph - about proposed study

Assessment criteria


Use subheadings

These should be descriptive

Consider creating a contents page

Your final report will require a contents page; try practicing with this assignment

Using styles* formatting for your subheadings will allow you to generate a list of contents (*a feature of Microsoft Word)

Add page numbers

Check referencing carefully

Ensure formatting meets current UniSA Harvard referencing guidelines

Cross-check to ensure in-text citations and reference list entries are consistent

Make sure your name is on your assignment

Concluding paragraph

This is where you briefly explain your planned research

The need for/value of your inquiry should already have been emphasised in your review of the literature and reiterated in a summary paragraph preceding this one

State clearly what the purpose/aim of the research is

What is it you want to find out?

Worksheet #3 from week 4 may help you construct a statement of aims

Identify the research methods you will use

Who will be involved?

What will happen?


Use subheadings

These should be descriptive

Do not use ‘Body' as a heading!

Consider creating a contents page

Your final report will require a contents page; try practicing with this assignment

Using styles* formatting for your subheadings will allow you to generate a list of contents (*a feature of Microsoft Word)

Add page numbers

Check referencing carefully

Ensure formatting meets current UniSA Harvard referencing guidelines

Cross-check to ensure in-text citations and reference list entries are consistent

Make sure your name is on your assignment

Concluding paragraph

This is where you briefly explain your planned research

The need for/value of your inquiry should already have been emphasised in your review of the literature and reiterated in a summary paragraph preceding this one

State clearly what the purpose/aim of the research is

What is it you want to find out?

Worksheet #3 from week 4 may help you construct a statement of aims

Identify the research methods you will use

Who will be involved?

What will happen?

Proposal documentation:

Bring the following completed documents with you next week for approval (also see next slide for summary). NB: Data collection cannot commence without approval

Everyone (regardless of data collection methods) must complete the Student ethics proposal form

For interviews (individual or focus group):

Participant information sheet

If applicable bring separate copies designed for different groups (parents, teachers, etc.)

Consent form

Interview proforma - containing guiding questions and prompts as relevant

For surveys or questionnaires:

Hard copy surveys: Copy of actual survey template

This should incorporate: participant information; questions; and instructions for what to do with the survey when completed

Online surveys: Copy of preliminary information (participant information)/directions and questions

Note, if a survey or questionnaire is not anonymous (e.g. email distribution and collection), you will also require a consent form

If collecting data at a school site (only independent schools permitted):

Letter to principal

Data collection instruments: preparation/support

In table groups:

Check each others' planned methods and paperwork

What is required?

What has been completed already?

What more is needed?

Check questions for those who have planned these already. Try playing devil's advocate...

Are all the questions necessary?

What will they reveal?

How effective will they be for eliciting the type of data necessary to answer the research question?

Can you offer other ideas?

Are there enough questions? If not, what is missing?

After this, spend time helping those who have not yet planned their questions.

What would you suggest asking in order to answer the research question?

Everyone please ensure you bring HARD COPIES of the following items to the tutorial:

Completed student ethics proposal form

Copies of all documentation you plan to give to participants

This may include: information sheets; consent forms; interview schedules; etc. as appropriate

Copies of your data collection instrument(s)

Interview proforma; questionnaire; survey; etc.

If relevant, a copy of the introductory/request letter you will provide to the school principal/site manager

Assessment 1

Review of Literature

A review of literature outlines and discusses the contextual issues related to your topic of inquiry, and provides a contemporary understanding of the topic to the reader. It presents the existing theoretical knowledge of the topic and the research methods and considerations pertinent in undertaking an inquiry.


Introduction to the area of inquiry

Review (which means discuss) the key literature relevant to your area of inquiry. This means that you provide the reader with a balanced view of who is reporting what about your topic, drawing attention to the key arguments.

You may use sub-headings if you are discussing different areas of the literature, eg gender differences; developmental differences
Summary and conclusions

This should bring the main argument together and present a rationale for doing your study.

Assessment 2

Research Report

This assignment requires you to report on the inquiry you proposed as part of Assessment #1.

There are many formats for a research report, but essentially, you are required to:

Briefly summarise your research topic.

Provide a brief description of the method and data collected

Critically discuss your observations/findings in the context of your preceding literature review.

Include an abstract at the beginning of the report and a summary of the process.

Reference no: EM131196691

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Write a Review

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