Impact of the staff high turnover rate

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131602130



Methodology :
- Case study apply
- Qualitative
- Context analysis
Data collection method:
- Interview with 3 questions. You can make up an interview (3 questions and answers)with Housekeeping Manager of Meriton Suite Chatwood.
- Context anaylysis
Data analysis method:
- Thematic analysis

Literature review: 2,500 words

In this capstone subject, students have the opportunity to demonstrate the core attributes of written communication, information literacy, synthesis of complex information, and logical and critical thinking. This is achieved by completing a substantive piece of analysis, supported by research and based on experiential learning and the analysis of an actual business situation and/or contemporary topic that has significance to industry.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed MHC607 Business Research Methods prior to undertaking this subject.

Learning Outcomes

a. Critically reflect upon and apply disciplinary methods and approaches in the design of the hotel analysis

b. Critically review the literature as it applies to the hotel analysis

c. Collect and synthesise data using appropriate research tools.

d. Critically reflect upon and interpret information to generate findings, reach meaningful conclusions and make recommendations.

e. Communicate the hotel analysis in appropriate academic language and structure.

f. Seek and utilise resources provided by the University and maintain an effective relationship with faculty and a mentor group.

Assessment Brief

This unit builds on MHC607 / GBM914, specifically your research proposal, enabling you to independently undertake a small-scale project based on the analysis of an actual business situation and/or contemporary topic that has significance to the hotel industry.

Using a research approach, you will be required to analyse and provide recommendations concerning a business situation utilizing diverse sources of academic and industry information and make informed recommendations.

You will be allocated a mentor group comprised of your peers, however it remains your responsibility to develop effective working relationships within this group for means of support, peer guidance and discussions. All work completed must be independent and original, as this is not a group assignment. Your lecturer and tutor's role is to guide you through the process of quality research and academic writing.

The Business Analysis Process

The business research analysis process requires you to independently:

1. Identify an actual business situation and/or contemporary hotel topic through either primary or secondary sources. Primary sources must be limited to consultation with a single key industry informant (personal interview) / and first-hand experience at your work organisation (participative or non-participative observation). Failure to adhere to the above is a breach of the TUA Research Ethics Policy.

A scheduled face-to-face meeting (personal interview) is to be held with your key informant to identify and explore relevant situations. Additional information will be obtained through one further (1) subsequent personal interview with your key informant (do not exceed 2 meetings in total), or additional phone/email conversations throughout the term.

You can choose to include participative or non-participative observation if you work at your nominated organisation, however this must supplement personal interview/s with your key informant and is reliant on permission being granted by your manager.

Please note that additional means of collecting primary data, including interviews with other staff and additional face-to-face meetings with your key informant beyond the two identified above, are not allowed in this unit due to BMIHMS at TUA ethics restrictions. This is non-negotiable.

Actual business situations must relate at a minimum to one of the following major interest areas. Please discuss and seek approval through your lecturer if you wish to undertake a project that does not meet one of these areas:

i. Customer service: processes, design and/or management;
ii. Human resource management;
iii. Facilities management and/or the service environment;
iv. Leadership and organisational culture;
v. Change management and/or organisational development;
vi. Operations management e.g. food and beverage, revenue management or rooms division management;
vii. Marketing.

2. Critically analyse and synthesise an identified business situation using credible sources of information.

You may wish to supplement data from your key informant and information from peer-reviewed academic journal articles (12 minimum) with:
a. Credible industry sources such as industry publications
b. Company reports including those of competitors
c. Credible newspaper articles
d. Secondary data sets from the ABS, Tourism Australia, Tourism NSW, World Tourism Organization, national tourist offices (NTOs).

3. Propose recommendations and strategies for overcoming or enhancing the business situation using credible sources of information.

Ensure you clearly demonstrate how the proposed strategies will enable enhance the organisation's effectiveness. This is a key element of your report.

Verified Expert

The paper is about to write on THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF THE STAFF HIGH TURNOVER RATE ON THE HOUSEKEEPING PERFORMANCE. If the staff turnover rate is higher, then it will definitely effect on housekeeping staffs. So, it will adversely effect the job of the staffs. This effect will be reflected on a hotel, named as MERITON SUITE CHATSWOOD. The hotel is in Australia and it is a renowned organisation. So, the paper is reflecting the effect of turnover in this hotel's staffs. Three interview questions are asked to work in deep on this topic. Finally few recommendations are given for better future.

Reference no: EM131602130

Questions Cloud

How at is use in assessment practice and progress monitoring : Explanation of how AT is used in assessment practices and progress monitoring? Definition of Assistive Technology (AT) and how a student qualifies for AT?
Problem related to the number of bacteria : A culture of 100 bacteria doubles after 2 hours. How long will it take for the number of bacteria to reach 3,200?
How you will work together with families and colleagues : Information on how you will work together with families and colleagues as an assessment partnership?
Describe your political system : Describe your political system. How many political parties are there? How do these parties tie into the society?
The context of consequentialist-utilitarianism : Choose one current political issue in your country or globally and philosophically justify your stand within the context of consequentialist-utilitarianism.
What is the doubling time of prices : The graph of f(x) is a parabola that opens upward and the graph of g(x) is a line with negative slope. Describe the graph of g(f(x)) in words.
Information security engineer for a large : You have just been hired as an Information Security Engineer for a large, multi-international corporation.
What is the equation of the line : The graph of Fahrenheit temperature, °F, as a function of Celsius temperature, °C, is a line. You know that 212°F and 100°C both represent the temperature.



9/22/2017 5:40:26 AM

Writing is very good, help me to get a high score, my each and every homework are done here, my friends will be sending assignments here as well as they are very happy with the quality, is worth to recommend, worthy of trust.


9/22/2017 5:18:55 AM

Regarding your questions, I attached the Assessment Structure. Please check out the Research Report column. For the interview, you can make up 3 questions and answers by yourself. As long as the content of the interview goes along well with the negative impact of high turnover staff, it should be fine. Please let me know if you have any further questions Thank you for letting me know. I understand the issue you are facing. Here is my idea. Please check page number 9 and 10 in the Meriton coporate profile. It provides basic information about the Meriton Serviced Apartment (Serviced Apartment is the former title for Meriton Suite Chatswood). Based on the theory and findings that you included in the report, you can just apply that theories to explain the negative impact. For instance, the room cleaners quit their jobs, it takes time and cost to train new staff, even the new staffs' performance are not as good as the old ones because they are getting used to the work, they know exactly what to do and they are more experiences.


8/16/2017 3:28:55 AM

Therefore, it is imperative that your final report is totally professional in terms of structure, content, writing style, depth of analysis, and overall presentation. In a commercial setting a final project report does more than simply report facts, findings, and recommendations. It creates a profile for its authors by virtue of its excellence of presentation, and professionalism of its contents and reporting style. (Just keep this in mind; many students who have done Business Reports have taken a copy of their final project report to job interviews, to show their prospective employer the quality of work they are capable of.)


8/16/2017 3:28:40 AM

Please note that additional means of collecting primary data, including interviews with other staff and additional face-to-face meetings with your key informant beyond the two identified above, are not allowed in this unit due to BMIHMS at TUA ethics restrictions. This is non-negotiable.


8/16/2017 3:28:36 AM

Assessable Components of Business Analysis Project Submission Due By Learning Outcomes Business analysis report (5000 words) (100%) Wednesday 5pm, Week 10 a, b, c, d, e, f Due dates will not be extended under any circumstances.


8/16/2017 3:28:20 AM

Please include at least 12 journal articles as references a. Critically reflect upon and apply disciplinary methods and approaches in the design of the hotel analysis b. Critically review the literature as it applies to the hotel analysis c. Collect and synthesise data using appropriate research tools. d. Critically reflect upon and interpret information to generate findings, reach meaningful conclusions and make recommendations. e. Communicate the hotel analysis in appropriate academic language and structure. f. Seek and utilise resources provided by the University and maintain an effective relationship with faculty and a mentor group.

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