Impact of substance use on the interviewees health

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Reference no: EM132074368

Assessment 1: Essay - Critique of substance-use interview

Task Description

Students will critique (not describe) a videoed substance-use interview.

Students will view and then critique the interview in the video on the following elements using the literature (references):

- The interviewer's initial contact with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder (the ‘interviewee');

- The level of rapport and respect the interviewer shows to the interviewee;

- The interviewer's assessment of the interviewee's readiness to change;

- The interviewer's identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee's health;

- The interviewer's identification of impact of substance use on the interviewee's lifestyle;

- The interviewer's identification of other stressors the intervieweemay be experiencing;

- The interviewer's level of overall engagement with the interviewee;

- The way in which the interviewer concluded (ended) the interview.

Headings are to be used in the essay. Each of the dot points above could be a heading (although these will need to be abbreviated). Students have been asked to ‘critique' the interview techniques used by the interviewer, not just describe the questions/comments used.

Students are to explain and justify their responses using appropriate and scholarly references, using the APA 6 referencing style.

1500 words

Assessment 2: Health Behaviour Change Diary

Task Description

Students are to keep a health behaviour change diary using the template on Moodle (‘Assessment 2' folder).

In this diary (1000 words), students are to:

- Document ONE key health behaviour you wish to change (i.e. increasing levels of exercise, consume a healthier diet, increasing water intake, quitting smoking). With this, include a discussion on why this change in health behaviour is needed using the literature for support (references);
- Develop and document short-term and long-term goals to achieve the change in yourbehaviour;
- Document the positives versus the negatives of changing your behaviour (pros versus cons) - document this in table form;
- Describe the impact of the behaviour change onyour health;
- Describe the impact of the behaviour change on yourlifestyle;
- Measure and record progress to achieving the change on a weekly basis (in the form of weekly diary entries, not included in the 1000 word count. Students must have a minimum of seven (7) entries and include the dates of the entries.
At the end of the change period, complete a reflective piece (1500 words) on the change journey:

- identify barriers to change you experienced;
- identify facilitators to change you experienced;
- Reflect on ways you can use your own change experiences when working with a person experiencing a substance-usedisorder.

All of the sections in the diary and the reflection are to be supported with contemporary, scholarly literature (references).
As this is a reflective piece, you are encouraged to write in the first person.

*Note, it is compulsory that all students are to email the Subject Coordinator by week 3 of session (by the 12th August) providing the first diary entry for feedback. No marks will be awarded for this; it is a formative part of the assessment.

2500 words

Attachment:- Instrucion.rar

Reference no: EM132074368

Questions Cloud

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Correlation coefficient and describe the correlation : To find out how uniformly babies grow, we measured the weights of random eight babies first at 11 months and then at 27 months. We obtained the following data.
Impact of substance use on the interviewees health : SNPG939: Psychoactive Substance and Mental Health - university of Wollongong - Essay – Critique of substance-use interview
Determine the mean salary of the teams : Conduct a test of hypothesis to determine whether the mean salary of the teams was different from $80.0 million. Use the .05 significance level.
What is the mean and standard deviation of event : You take 5 balls with replacement randomly from the bag and count how many orange balls you get. What is the mean and standard deviation of this event?
Confidence interval for the population proportion : In the first stages of a clinical? trial, it was successful for 8 out of 12 women.
Same data is used to construct both intervals : A 99% confidence interval is wider than a 95% confidence interval if the same data is used to construct both intervals. Is this true or false?



8/2/2018 11:27:14 PM

video name: assist screening tool for problematic substance use- Full interview. this video is 5 years ago. you may get many videos but you must watch this and do the tasks. I don't have any idea regarding this assessment as we don't have any class before assessment. how much I understand is we have to write an essay by watching this video but not explain the video but find out all the things that are listed in criteria. there are 8 points in assessment criteria you need to fulfill that one to complete assignment please read it carefully. down one pdf is criteria and marking rubric I need only assessment 1 at the moment. I humbly request you to read carefully the assignment criteria and write according to marking rubric to get the distinction. you cant write yourself it must be from this video.


8/2/2018 11:25:33 PM

Structure, organisation and referencing 10% Organises assignment logically and coherently. Effective, smooth and logical transitions presented, with a clear flow of ideas. Provided a comprehensive reference list and accurately referenced all sources using the modified APA 6 referencing style. Clear organisational structure, with a clear flow of ideas presented, easily followed Provided a comprehensive reference list and accurately referenced most sources using the APA 6 referencing style. Minor errors noted in main text and reference list. A level of organisation and structure, with minor ambiguities in paragraph and/or sentence length. APA 6 referencing style used to accurately reference the majority of sources. Several errors noted. A level of organisation and structure, with frequent ambiguities in paragraph and / or sentence structure. Difficult to follow. APA 6 referencing style used but with frequent error. Minimal clear flow from general ideas to specific ideas and back to general ideas. Paragraphs are consistently too short (insufficient detail) or too long (too many ideas discussed in one paragraph). Sentences are consistently too short or too long.


8/2/2018 11:25:17 PM

Diary entries 10% Insightful, well-documented and comprehensive diary entries documented. Free from spelling, grammatical and/or terminology errors. Very detailed and well- documented diary entries. Very minimal spelling and grammatical errors. Documented diary entries with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Diary entries documented with frequent spelling and/or grammatical errors. Insufficient t number of entries documented. Multiple spelling and grammatical errors. Did not include diary entries.


8/2/2018 11:25:11 PM

Identification of ways to use change journey when working with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive overview of ways to use own change journey when working with the person experiencinga substance- use disorder using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of ways to use own change journey when working with the person experiencing a substance- use disorder using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of ways to use own change journey when working with the person experiencing a substance- use disorder with logical discussion, thesupport of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of ways to use own change journey when working with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder with limited discussion and referencing. Inadequate exploration of ways to use own change journey when working with the person experiencing a substance-use disorder. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression.


8/2/2018 11:24:57 PM

Identification in the reflection of facilitators to change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive reflection of facilitators to change using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported reflection of facilitators to change using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported reflection of facilitators to change with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a reflection of facilitators to change with limited discussion and referencing. . Inadequate reflection of facilitators to change. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not discuss facilitators to change.


8/2/2018 11:24:52 PM

Identification in the reflection of barriers to change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive reflection of barriers to change using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported reflection of barriers to change using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported reflection of barriers to change with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a reflection of barriers to change with limited discussion and referencing. Inadequate reflection of barriers to change. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not discuss barriers to change.


8/2/2018 11:24:41 PM

Impact of behaviour change on lifestyle 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive overview of the Impact of behaviour change on lifestyle using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of Impact of behaviour change on lifestyle using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of the Impact of behaviour change on lifestyle with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of the Impact of behaviour change on lifestyle with limited discussion and referencing. Provided a very minimal exploration of the impact of behaviour change on lifestyle. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not provide discussion on the impact of the behavioural change on lifestyle.


8/2/2018 11:24:34 PM

Impact of behaviour change on health 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive overview of the Impact of behaviour change on health using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of Impact of behaviour change on health using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of the Impact of behaviour change on health with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of the Impact of behaviour change on health with limited discussion and referencing. Provided a very minimal exploration of the Impact of behaviour change on health. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not provide discussion on the impact of the behavioural change on health.


8/2/2018 11:24:28 PM

Positives versus negatives to change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive overview of positives versus the negatives to change using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of positives versus the negatives to change using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of positives versus the negatives to change with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of positives versus the negatives to change with limited discussion and referencing. Provided a very minimal exploration of positives versus the negatives to change. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not discuss the positives versus the negatives to change.


8/2/2018 11:24:22 PM

Short and long – term goals to achieving health behaviour change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive overview of goals to achieving thechange using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of goals to achieving the change using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of goals to achieving the change with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of goals to achieving the change with limited discussion and referencing. Provided a very minimal exploration of goals to achieving the change. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not document goals to achieving the health behaviour change.


8/2/2018 11:24:16 PM

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Absent Discussion on one health behaviour to change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive discussion of a health behaviour using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported overview of ahealth behavior using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided an overview of a health behaviour with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided an overview of a health behaviour with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal discussion of one health behaviour. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not provide discussion on one health behaviour


8/2/2018 11:18:50 PM

Referencing 10% Provided a comprehensive reference list and accurately referenced all sources using the APA 6 referencing style. Provided a comprehensive reference list and accurately referenced most sources using the APA 6 referencing style. Minor errors noted in main text and reference list. APA 6 referencing style used to accurately reference the majority of sources. Several errors noted. APA 6 referencing style used but with frequent error. Multiple errors in referencing. Incorrect referencing style used.


8/2/2018 11:18:43 PM

Structure, grammar and organisation 10% Organises assignment logically and coherently, paragraphing to advance argument. Effective, smooth and logical transitions presented, with a clear flow of ideas, no grammatical errors. Well thought-out headings. Clear organisational structure, with a clear flow of ideas presented, and easily followed. Minimal errors in grammar. Appropriate headings. A level of organisation and structure, with minor ambiguities in paragraph and / or sentence length and grammar. Appropriate headings. A level of organisation and structure, with major ambiguities in paragraph and/or sentence structure and grammar. Difficult to follow. Headings used. Minimal flow from general ideas to specific ideas and back to general ideas. Paragraphs are consistently too short (insufficient detail) or too long (too many ideas discussed in one paragraph). Sentences are consistently too short or too long. Headings not used or inappropriate. Poor grammatical expression. No clear flow of general to specific ideas. Multiple structural and organisational errors. Did not adhere to word limit. Very poor grammatical expression.


8/2/2018 11:18:37 PM

Interviewer’s conclusion of the Interview 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s conclusion of the interview.


8/2/2018 11:18:32 PM

Interviewer’s overall level of Engagement 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s level of engagement using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s level of engagement using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s level of engagement with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s level of engagement with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s overall level of engagement. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s overall level of engagement.


8/2/2018 11:18:26 PM

Interviewer’s identification of stressors 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s identification of stressors using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s identification of stressors using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of stressors with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. . Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of stressors with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s identification of stressors. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s identification of the interviewee’s stressors.


8/2/2018 11:18:21 PM

Interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on lifestyle. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on the interviewee’s lifestyle.


8/2/2018 11:18:15 PM

Interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on health. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s identification of the impact of substance use on the interviewee’s health.


8/2/2018 11:18:10 PM

Interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of the interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s assessment of readiness to change. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s assessment of the interviewee’s readiness to change.


8/2/2018 11:18:04 PM

Interviewer’s rapport and respect 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s level of rapport and respect using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of interviewer’s level of rapport and respect using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s level of rapport and respect with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s level of rapport and respect with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s level of rapport and respect. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique the interviewer’s rapport and respect shown to interviewee.


8/2/2018 11:17:58 PM

Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Absent Interviewer’s initial contact 10% Provided an insightful, well- supported and comprehensive critique of the interviewer’s initial contact using a high level of academic writing. Provided a detailed and well- supported critique of interviewer’s initial contact using a moderately high level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s initial contact with logical discussion, the support of references and the use of a moderate level of academic writing. Provided a critique of the interviewer’s contact with limited discussion and referencing. Provided very minimal critique of the interviewer’s initial contact. Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Did not critique interviewer’s initial contact with interviewee.

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