Impact of nonprofit collaboration in early child care

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Reference no: EM131601740

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Video:Laureate Education (Producer). (2011).

The collaborative process.

Text excerpt: Winer, M., & Ray, K (1994). Collaboration handbook:creating, sustaining, and enjoying the journey. St. Paul, MN. Fieldstore alliance. "How do we set forth? (pp.21-41). Coleman Selden, S., Sowa, J.E., & Sandfort, J. (2006, May).

The impact of nonprofit collaboration in early child care and education on management and program outcomes.

Public Administration review, 66 (30, 412-425.

Retrieved from Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database. The Collaboration Experience.

Collaboration is a complex process that requires effort, intensity, and compromise by everyone involved.

The collaboration continuum found in the collaboration handbook (p.22), shows that the process typically begins at its lowest level of intensity with cooperation, them increases in intensity with coordination, and finally reaches its highest level of intensity with collaboration, which requires more risk and investment, along with deeper relationships among participants.

This text defines collaboration as "mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship entered onto by two or more organizations to achieve results they are more likely to achieve together than alone" (Winer, Ray, 194, p.23).

In your work as an early childhood professional,you will most certainly be asked to not only cooperate, but also to collaborate with many different people and groups, including family and community members, colleagues and local and government agencies and organizations.

Take time to consider what you have learned about the rewards and challenges of the collaborative process from this week''s readings and the media segment. What thoughts and experiences held the most meaning for you? What did you learn?

What surprised you? Looking back at past experiences you have had working in collaborative teams or groups, what do you wish you had known then that you know now that could have made the experience more successful or effective? With these thoughts in mind. Answer the following questions.

What commonalities did you see among the positive collaboration experiences discussed by the panel? * What commonalities did you see among the negative experiences?

What knowledge, skills, and dispositions foster effective collaboration?

What hinders effective collaboration? *Describe the relationship between collaborative skills and explain how these skills can increase your effectiveness as a professional in the early childhood field.

Based on what you have learn through the media segment as well as your readings, in your own words, write a definition of collaboration.

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The present solution is based on collaborative effort within the context of early childhood learning. The solution comprises of answer to few questions, for which a reference video is provided. In addition to this, the solution also uses two more references and all together they are given at the end of solution in APA format. The solution in total comprises of more than 600 words in Microsoft Office file. The solution is completely free from any form of plagiarism.

Reference no: EM131601740

Questions Cloud

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Impact of nonprofit collaboration in early child care : The impact of nonprofit collaboration in early child care and education on management and program outcomes What surprised you
What do you think is a positive aspect of political parties : What do you think is a positive aspect of political parties? What is the most negative in your opinion? In your opinion do you feel that "smear" campaigns work?
Explain the relationship between beauty and decay in snow : Explain the relationship between beauty and decay in Snow Country.
What is the effective annual rate on the loan : You’ve borrowed $5,640.60 and agreed to pay back the loan with monthly payments of $240. What is the effective annual rate on the loan?
Describe the patients personal and medical history : Reflect on a patient who is beyond 20 weeks gestation and presented with a health problem that commonly arises during pregnancy.



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