Impact of lowering the speed limit

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1313018

Assume that the Illinois Turnpike Authority lowered the speed limit on I-90 to 60 mph from the present 75 mph. In addition, assume that the new speed limit will be vigorously enforced by the Illinois Highway Patrol. Using a supply and demand graph, make one shift of wither the supply or demand curve to illustrate the likely result of this action.


Reference no: EM1313018

Questions Cloud

Shift in trait in the population : Select an organism which consists of a population having two distinct traits. You can be creative here (red and green beetles, humans with red hair and brown hair, birds with short beaks and long beaks and so on).
Okun law and unemployment inflation trade off : This problem uses Okun's law to study how the unemployment and inflation rates change when there are demand shocks.
Defective units and reworking of units : Defective units, reworking of units, prevention cost , appraisal cost given difference of profit earned to find number of defective units. Variance Corporation is a manufacturer of a versatile statistical calculator.
Population having two distinct traits : Select an organism which contains a population having two distinct traits. Red and green beetles. Humans with red hair and brown hair
Impact of lowering the speed limit : Using a supply and demand graph, make one shift of wither the supply or demand curve to illustrate the likely result of this action.
Examining the blood test : Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jones had baby girls same day in same hospital.  Mrs. Smith named her baby Shirley and Mrs. Jones named her baby Jane.
Color- blindness and normal vision : A color-blind woman marries a man with the normal color vision.  They have ten children, six boys and four girls. How many have normal vision? How many are color- blind?
Compute the reservation wage : Cindy gains utility from consumption and leisure. The most leisure she can consume in a week is 168 hours.
Mrs and optimum combination of consumption and leisure : What is her marginal rate of substitution when L = 100 and she is on the budget line? What is her reservation wage? What is her optimal combination of C and L?


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