Impact of human resource planning

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Reference no: EM133008002

Business Research Methods - OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Impact of Human Resource planning on organisation performance of an E-commerce company

Research Question - What are the different aspects of importance of human resource planning in the development of overall performance of ecommerce business

Research Objectives
- The major impact of the Human Resource within the success of the corporation.
- The responsibility of Human Resource Management within the corporation.
- The challenges those are considered to be faced by the Human Resource Department of any company.
- The opportunities that are present within the department for enhancing the performance of the company in a more enhanced way.

Global Accounting considerations related to the coronavirus pandemic

Impacts of digital currency on finance & Accounting

Studying the impact of Brexit on the UK financial industry

Evaluating the use of accounting software and how they have impacted businesses

Attachment:- Business Research Methods Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133008002

Questions Cloud

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Impact of human resource planning : Impact of Human Resource planning on organisation performance of an E-commerce company - Impacts of digital currency on finance & Accounting
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Which of the below databases are supported by magento : Which of the below databases are supported by Magento?
Identify five signs of potential conflict in the workplace : To provide you with an opportunity to identify potential for conflict and take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation.



10/8/2021 2:43:15 AM

Attached I have the letter received from the university. I have also attached the BRM that was done for me by you as I am not sure if this is what is being referred to in the letter. Please confirm. I have also added a few topics I am interested in for your guidance on how to proceed. Global Accounting considerations related to the coronavirus pandemic Impacts of digital currency on finance & Accounting Studying the impact of Brexit on the UK financial industry Evaluating the use of accounting software and how they have impacted businesses Should I engage in one of these above topics or should I continue using the BRM topic that was initially used when I started? Please guide me as I am very much new to this system

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