Impact of health care technology on the diabetic patients

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Reference no: EM133521805


Analyze the impact of health care technology on the diabetic patients

  • Cite evidence from the literature that addresses the advantages and disadvantages of specific technologies, including research studies that present opposing views.
  • Determine whether the evidence is consistent with technology use you see in your nursing practice.
  • Identify potential barriers and costs associated with the use of specific technologies and how those technologies are applied within the context of this problem.

Explain how care coordination and the utilization of community resources can be used to address diabetic patients

  • Cite evidence from the literature that addresses the benefits of care coordination and the utilization of community resources, including research studies that present opposing views.
  • Determine whether the evidence is consistent with how you see care coordination and community resources used in your nursing practice.
  • Identify barriers to the use of care coordination and community resources in the context of this problem.

Analyze state board nursing practice standards and/or organizational or governmental policies associated with health care technology, care coordination, and community resources

  • Explain how these standards or policies will guide your actions in applying technology, care coordination, and community resources to address care quality, patient safety, and costs to the system and individual.
  • Describe the effects of local, state, and federal policies or legislation on your nursing scope of practice, within the context of technology, care coordination, and community resources.
  • Explain how nursing ethics will inform your approach to addressing the problem through the use of applied technology, care coordination, and community resources.

Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.

Reference no: EM133521805

Questions Cloud

What way were amy human rights compromised : Expand on how Amy's right to work in an equal opportunity environment has been compromised. In what way were Amy's human rights compromised.
Discuss proficiency in emergency-disaster preparedness : Discuss your area of expertise or your current area of practice. Discuss your nursing competencies/proficiency in emergency/disaster preparedness.
Assess for potential complications of opioid therapy : Assess for potential complications of opioid therapy and describe nursing interventions to prevent them.
Conduct an online search for cultural competence : Conduct an online search for cultural competence standards for international organziations, government agencies, or professional associations (e.g., HHS, STTI).
Impact of health care technology on the diabetic patients : Identify potential barriers and costs associated with the use of specific technologies and how those technologies are applied within context of this problem.
Do you notice that impact socioeconomic levels in america : What societal conditions do you notice that impact socioeconomic levels in America? Explain why you think they have that effect.
Explain relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty : Identify and describe a theory or theoretical model, and explain its relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty.
What do you think american democracy is : In your own terms, what do you think "American democracy" is? Do you think the fear that it is in danger is real?
Review the national standards for culturally : Review the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care Guidelines.


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