Reference no: EM131311237 , Length:
Develop based on the subject
The Impact of Festivals on promoting cultural tourism
"The case of the Dhow Festival , Qatar"
Topic, as this falls in the same umbrella of the area of responsibilities currently handling, and explore more this phenomenal Dhow festival cultural event that drives a lot of visitors during a week of activities, this really impact on developing the cultural tourism.
The event is taking place once a year during the 2nd week of November, visitors are coming from all over the GCC and the Arabic countries and much more.
Qatar Dhow Festival, is designed to be a destination for both international and national cultural tourists, the event is to promote awareness about the maritime rich legacy of Qatar and the GCC countries among new generations. This year celebrating the sixth edition.
Honestly speaking, this start of becoming an iconic cultural tourism destination, even the Qatar Tourism Authority relay on this event as part of the yearly activities calendar.
activity: 1
Activity 2
readings Mandatory
- Ethic guidelines data collections
- Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, & P. Jackson, (2012) Management Research, 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications
Chapter 6: Creating Qualitative Data' (pp. 124-160; ebook pp. 3127-3950)
chapter 8: Creating Quantitative Data' (pp. 221-243; ebook pp. 5113-5660)
Activity 1
Research Method topic title:
The Impact of Festivals on promoting cultural tourism
"The case of the Dhow Festival, Qatar"
Shared activity 1
Evaluating Research Tools and Methods
If you are driving to work or the grocery store, there may be more than one mode of transportation that will lead you to your destination. You may be able to walk, take a bus, drive your car or ride your bicycle. Similarly, there is usually more than one method to gather data to answer your research question. You have to consider your research question and then select the methods and tools that will help you gather the most appropriate data. For this Shared Activity, you are challenged to critically evaluate research tools and methods used in examples of published research.
To prepare for this Shared Activity:
• Read the Unit 4 readings.
Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, & P. Jackson, (2012) Management Research, 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications
- Chapter 6: ‘Creating Qualitative Data' (pp. 124-160; ebook pp. 3127-3950)
- Chapter 8: ‘Creating Quantitative Data' (pp. 221-243; ebook pp. 5113-5660)
• Identify an example of a management research article, such as one from your critical literature review, and evaluate the data collection methods used.
To complete this Shared Activity:
• Post a critical analysis of the research methods used in the management research example you selected. Include in your analysis commentary on the following questions:
o What, if any, primary data sources were presented in the management research example you analyzed? What, if any, secondary data sources were presented?
o What alternative research methodologies could be employed to study the same research question? Explain your reasoning.
o What alternative data collection strategies could be employed to study the same research question? Explain your reasoning.
Activity 2
Research Method topic title:
The Impact of Festivals on promoting cultural tourism
"The case of the Dhow Festival, Qatar"
Shared activity 2
Choosing Data Collection Tools and Methods
Once you have spent some time analysing examples of methodologies and methods used in management research in Shared Activity 1, turn your attention to planning for your own research. Use this Shared Activity to give and receive feedback on approaches to data collection that you and your colleagues may use in your Management Research Project. This Shared Activity will help you prepare for your Individual Assignment in Unit 5, in which you will submit a plan for data collection and analysis.
To prepare for this Shared Activity:
• Read the Unit 4 readings.
- Ethic guidelines data collections
- Easterby-Smith, M., R. Thorpe, & P. Jackson, (2012) Management Research, 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications
Chapter 6: ‘Creating Qualitative Data' (pp. 124-160; ebook pp. 3127-3950)
chapter 8: ‘Creating Quantitative Data' (pp. 221-243; ebook pp. 5113-5660)
• Prepare a draft of the methodology section for your research proposal, to include:
o A description of your chosen methodology and why you chose it;
o A description of the types of data you will collect or access and the source(s) from which you will collect or access data, including a sampling strategy, if appropriate;
o The specific research methods and tools you plan to use.
• Review the Final Project instructions for more information on the requirements for the methodology section of your proposal.
To complete this Shared Activity:
• Post a draft of the methodology section of your research proposal. Provide a rationale for your decisions about methodology and methods and explain how your chosen methodology and methods will help you address your research question. Include in your post some discussion of alternative methods and tools you have considered to gather research data. Why would these be less useful than the ones you chose?
• Provide feedback to at least two of your colleagues on their methodology and methods, suggesting ways of refining their choices or considering alternatives.
• Discuss with your colleagues the challenges you foresee in employing your chosen data collection methods and how you can overcome these challenges.
• Identify any ethical issues involved in data collection using your chosen methods and discuss how these could impact the validity of your findings, as well as how you will address these issues.
• Be sure to include references to all sources in Harvard Referencing Style.
Attachment:- Collecting data.rar