Impact of employees perception of organizational culture

Assignment Help Operation Research
Reference no: EM131515680

ASSIGNMENT - Quantitative Analysis

You are Vice President HR in an Oil & Gas Company in Abu Dhabi. As part of annual survey, you conducted survey using standard questionnaire on 1000 Emirati employees from across different functions and management levels to find out organizational health on the parameters namely employees perception of Organizational culture, Compensation & Benefits, Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions. After data collection and statistical analysis, you have the following three Results Tables. You have to "interpret the results and also to find out organizational implications from the results for each of the following three result tables" and present it to the CEO of your organization.

Table 1: Relationships amongstemployee's perception of Organizational culture, Compensation & Benefits, their Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions

Organizational Culture Compensation & Benefits Job Satisfaction Employee Turnover Intentions
Organizational Culture 1 .645** .624** -.715**
Compensation & Benefits
1 .727** -.674**
Job Satisfaction

1 -.738**
Employee Turnover Intentions


* p< 0.05
** p< 0.01


Table 2:

Impact of employees' perception of organizational culture and compensation & benefits on their overall job satisfaction

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square β F Significance
a.      Organizational Culture .624a 0.389 0.351 0.624 14.987 0
b.      Compensation & Benefits .727b 0.529 0.417 0.727 12.567 0.005

a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture

b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture, Compensation & Benefits


Organizational Implications:

Table 3: Impact of employees' perception of organizational culture, compensation & benefits, job satisfaction on their turnover intentions


Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square




a.      Organizational Culture







b.      Compensation & Benefits







c.       Job Satisfaction








a. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture


b. Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction


d.      Predictors: (Constant), Organizational Culture,

Compensation &Benefits, Job Satisfaction


Organizational Implications:

Please note that you are supposed to "interpret the results" and find out organizational implications in the space provided in the assignment.

Verified Expert

The same has been prepared in a word file. We have discussed about behavioral changes which may impact an organization. Also we have discussed on the details of job satisfaction with respect to work environment and compensation.

Reference no: EM131515680

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6/24/2017 5:25:22 AM

I liked my expert. She provided the best solution and it was appropriate response straighout on my queries, she helped me comprehend the appropriate responses. :) Thanks a lot.


6/24/2017 5:22:07 AM

The report is very good but the information given is general and I need you to explain the given data in the table which is the main topic. Also I need you to summarize the interpretation with the space provided. The report is fine, but my professor highlighted one important point which needs to be added in the report as below: Figures in the given table need to explained in details, described more. before the Interpretations section which I highlighted to you in yellow (please refer to the attachment) you need to explain the data given for example (each figure reflect to what… -.738 negative which is highly significant ,,,,,,) 23748683_1Assignment 2.docx


6/2/2017 1:32:32 PM

You are supposed to "interpret the results" and find out organizational implications in the space provided in the assignment-Please note that you are supposed to "interpret the results" and find out organizational implications in the space provided in the assignment.

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