Impact an individuals perception of business in united state

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133734221

Select a company and research recent news items that have been releases regarding the company. In a written response, note whether the articles were positive or negative for the company. Describe how the company's actions may impact an individual's perception of business in the United States. Identify responsibilities that the company has to various stakeholder groups mentioned in the articles. Finally, note any sustainability issues that confront the company and provide suggestions for the how the company should handle these issues.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other resources may be used. Please be sure to include these resources and give credit where due in your presentation.

Create a presentation with slides to present this information. Grammar and punctuation are important and points will be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors.

Reference no: EM133734221

Questions Cloud

Identify your strategic position in the market : Identify your strategic position in the market (provide rationale as to why this gives you an advantage).
What does that report tell you about the crime category : Look at an BJS report on Criminal Behavior. There are a multitude of reports on hate crimes, domestic violence, human trafficking, burglary crimes etc.
Benefits of a potential capstone project to the organization : Critically analyze the benefits of a potential capstone project to the organization and/or a population.
How they are applied to your projects procurement efforts : In a 5 to 7 page research paper, discuss the PMBOK's 3 processes, and how they are applied to your project's procurement efforts.
Impact an individuals perception of business in united state : Describe how the company's actions may impact an individual's perception of business in the United States.
What are potential complications from treatment ordered : What treatment and specific information about the prescription that you will give this patient? What are the potential complications from the treatment ordered?
Discuss dthe themes of cultures and gender equality : We will work on the themes of Cultures and Gender Equality this week and return and reflect on this theme with various readings throughout the course.
Develop a health promotion intervention : This assignment gives students the opportunity to be creative and develop a health promotion intervention using creative storytelling, poetry, cartoon.
Research one domestic terrorist attack : Research one domestic terrorist attack and draft a response that includes the following issues.


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