Immigration - impact development on a family

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Reference no: EM13999344 , Length: word count:2000

Topic: Immigration: impact development on a family but mostly in a child.

Your project is to write an 8-page (2000-word) term paper on one of the recent theoretical perspectives on human development contained within your textbook, noting the contributions of your chosen theorist. Students are expected to identify the perspective of the contemporary theory and describe current research and application to the field of lifespan development. The page/word count does not include the title page, abstract or reference page. The goal of the term paper is to analyze and synthesize the literature on a chosen lifespan developmental theorist. You are required to use American Psychological Association Style (APA) for all source citations. Students are expected to identify the perspective of the contemporary theory and describe current research and application to the field of lifespan development

Outline for your Term Paper with at least five references formatted in APA style. Your submission should include a title page and a working abstract in addition to the outline. The outline should include citations for the points you are making and provide the organization and structure for the paper.

I need the first paragraph or the abstract to include discussion about.

1-Impact in the whole family emigrating from another country, parents working full time, not paying attention to the child struggling with communication with people speaking different language, emotional health along with physical health, bullying from other students and isolation.

I have my own resources list, and I need to stick with this unless there is another one that you guys think it will fit the information that is needed for this paper.


1-Laura E. Berk 6th edition (book: Development through Life span)

2-Remarks on Latency: Onset in Different Cultures. Remarks on Latency: Onset in Different Culture.
Journal of Psychohistory. Winter2016, Vol. 43 Issue 3, p214-227. 14p.
Author Affiliations:
1Registered Counselling Psychologist, Health & Care Professions Council, UK
0145-3378 0145-3378
Accession Number:

3---- The Impact of Local Immigration Enforcement Policies on the Health of Immigrant Hispanics/Latinos in the United States.
Rhodes, Scott D.;Mann, Lilli;Simán, Florence M.; Eunyoung Song;Alonzo, Jorge;Downs, Mario;Lawlor, Emma;Martinez, Omar;Sun, Christina J.;O'Brien, Mary Claire; Reboussin, Beth A.; Hall, Mark A.
Department of Social Sciences and Health Policy, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
El Pueblo, Inc., Raleigh, NC.
American Journal of Public Health (AM J PUBLIC HEALTH), Feb2015; 105(2): 329-337. (9p)

4----- Advancing the science of child and adolescent development: Do we need a new household panel survey?
Sabol, Terri [email protected]
Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay1
Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne2
Journal of Economic & Social Measurement. 2015, Vol. 40 Issue 1-4, p195-229. pg 35
birth cohort and longitudinal studies
Author Affiliations:
1School of Education and Social Policy, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
2Teachers College and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Accession Number:
Business Source Complete

5--- The relationships between after-school programs, academic outcomes, and behavioral developmental outcomes of Latino children from immigrant families: Findings from the 2005 National Household Education Surveys Program
Park, Hyejoona, ?
Lin, Ching-Hsuana, 1
Liu, Chennanb, 2
Tabb, Karen M.a, 3
a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Social Work, 1010 W. Nevada Street, Urbana, IL 61801, United States
b School of Sociology & Population Studies, Social Work Department, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

Reference no: EM13999344

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