Imagine you are interested in conducting a survey

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Reference no: EM133408148

Question: Imagine you are interested in conducting a survey to investigate the relationship between adolescents' social media use and perceptions of body image.

Conduct a brief online search of research in this area
Conduct brief naturalistic observations of social media posts
Construct a 15-20 question survey and rating scale points. (You may include your survey as an attachment to your original post if you would prefer.)
Why did you create the questions you did?
What was challenging about this exercise?
If you were really conducting the study, how would you administer the survey?

Reference no: EM133408148

Questions Cloud

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Perspective of seaport and international trade : Students should focus on logistical aspects of the case and doing business and engaging in logistics in from perspective of seaport and international trade
Imagine you are interested in conducting a survey : Imagine you are interested in conducting a survey to investigate the relationship between adolescents' social media use and perceptions of body image
Grounded in solid theoretical principles : discuss one individual activity, and one group-based activity that could help in developing a healthy sense of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional
What section of the criminal code allows security guards : Provide the name of the legislation that governs security guards in Ontario? Identify the section of the Criminal Code that provides Citizens Powers
Compare and contrast rational choice theory : Compare and contrast rational choice theory and general strain theory arguments/explanations as to why punishment is effective or ineffective
How would you explain these terms to friends and family : How would you explain these terms to friends and family? Why might these terms be important to understand when learning about psychology?


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