Imagine the following scenario six men go to a wrestling

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Reference no: EM13360974 , Length: 8 Pages

Imagine the following scenario. Six men go to a wrestling match. The local wrestling hero is in the match for the championship. The six men dress up in t-shirts displaying their favourite wrestler, go to the match, sit together, and cheer for the local hero. They also consume several beers during the game. The hall is hot and crowded. Sitting in front of them are several attractive, unescorted women. Sitting beside them are several other men, obviously fans of the other wrestler (the opponent of the local hero). The match is very close and exciting. At the end of the match, the local hero is tossed over the ropes and out of the ring and as a result loses the championship. The fans of the other wrestler are cheering, and making derogatory comments about the local hero. Our six men tell the other fans to be quiet, and when they refuse to do so, the six men attack the other fans. There is a big fight, culminating in several injuries and arrests for assault charges. Based on the text and lectures, discuss the possible causes of the aggression exhibited by the six men.

(There are at least 14 possible. you have to identify 10 of them. Be sure to say how each cause operates in this particular situation.)

You have volunteered to coordinate a fund-raising drive for a local charity. You have to persuade people to volunteer to collect donations, and you have to devise an advertising campaign to appeal to members of the community to donate to the charity. Based on the chapter on Altruism, define several psychological principles you could use to appeal to people, and specify how you would use them in this context. 

(you have to name and describe 10 techniques and say how you would use it in this situation.) 

Reference no: EM13360974

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