Imagine suffering from minor illness

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133372807

Imagine suffering from a minor illness. You remember seeing an advisement about a medication that might help. Your pharmacist suggests an 'anti-acid' remedy. Faced with a range of tablets, and powdered and liquid medications, you notice that all contain chemical ingredients that counter stomach acid, and some also claim to be 3'fizz' when mixed with water. How will you select a product? Would you consider the image (marketing), and sensual effects or evaluate the dosage?

Search about applications of analytical chemistry in daily life.

Consider any product, including cleaning agents, insecticides, cosmetics, fertilizers, or fuels

Explain the problem or issue the product solves, scientific details such as the quantities recommended for use, how kinetic theory is involved in the product's reactivity, and details of chemical equation(s) involved.

Reference no: EM133372807

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