Illustrative warehouse design

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132903429 , Length: word count:1500

Designing a Distribution Centre


A group of warehouse consultants has put forward a design draft for the new National Fulfilment Centre at Cranfield Business Supplies (CBS). You have been tasked with evaluating this draft and providing design recommendations. Individually you need to prepare and submit a report that reflects on the illustrative warehouse design for CBS shown in this document.

You need to adhere to the following guidelines:

• Word Limit: 1500 Words for the body of the report (exclusive of cover page, references, figures and tables).
• Include a word count on your cover page.
• Structure your report in a coherent way following the ‘Assessment Tasks'
outlined below.
• Support your arguments with suitable reference material from the literature as required.
• The use of tables and figures is expected in order to convey detailed information.

Address the following tasks in your report:

1. Review and synthesise design steps/methodologies that are used for warehouse design and re-design. Describe the planning data requirements and explain the importance of the different kinds of data.

2. What are the benefits/strengths of the illustrative warehouse design presented here and how does the design support the requirements of CBS? Present TWO benefits/strengths and justify your choices.

3. Which aspects of the illustrative warehouse design should be improved and how? Present FOUR design recommendations and justify them accordingly. Present an improved internal and external layout that incorporates your suggested improvements.


In this document you will find information about the proposed design draft arranged as follows:
- Overview of supply chain structure
- Day in the life of the warehouse
- Internal layout
- Overview of zones and equipment
- External layout
- Timeline of warehouse activities

Overview of supply chain structure
The draft for the new National Fulfilment Centre is designed to meet the requirements of the supply chain structure shown in Figure 1.

Inflows into the National Fulfilment Centre include deliveries from various global suppliers. Distribution is via nine transhipment depots (75% of shipments), the parcel carrier (10%), and vans for distribution to the local midlands area.

Day in the life of the warehouse
As can be seen from Figure 2, the planning base used by consultants is for average throughput and peak stockholding for the three-year forecast provided.

A reserve stock area for all received items is being proposed. Based on an ABC analysis of product throughput, slow moving items will be picked in the reserve store whilst a separate picking area with four days of stockholding is planned for fast and medium moving items.

Attachment:- Designing a Distribution Centre.rar

Reference no: EM132903429

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6/1/2021 2:26:39 AM

i have selected supply chain management categoty as I''m not sure if it''s the same category however this subject is warehousing and it''s about how to understand and design a warehouse and the assignment requirement is all in the attachment kindly refer for details.

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