Illustrate the law of large numbers

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13218928

1. At the bottom left side of the applet, set n equal to 10 and then check the "animate' box. Now click on "Flip." Record the number of heads in 10 flips of a coin and the cumulative probability of a head based on the ten flips. (The cumulative probability is given at the top of the graph.) Is the number of heads what you expected in 10 flips?

2. Now uncheck the " animate box" and click on flip two more times. You should now have 30 flips of the coin. Record the number of heads in 30 flips and the cumulative probability of a head based on 30 flips. What is the longest string of consecutive heads or tails that you got in the 30 flips? Do you think that is unusual?

3. Now set n to 1000 and click on flip. This should give you 1030 flips of the coin. Record the number of heads and the cumulative probability of a head now.

4. Click on flip one more time so that you have 2030 flips. Record the number of heads and the cumulative probability of a head now.

5. "The Law of Large Numbers states that if an experiment with a random outcome is repeated a large number of times, the empirical probability of an event is likely to be close to the true probability. The larger the number of repetitions, the closer together these probabilities are likely to be". Does the coin flipping process you just completed illustrate the Law of Large Numbers? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM13218928

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