Illustrate the application of cognitive computing

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132290553 , Length: 20 pages

The purpose of this assignment is to illustrate the application of cognitive computing and machine learning concepts through building and training a chatbot that simulates the human conversation for the defined scenarios. You will use IBM Watson Assistant service in IBM Cloud for chatbot implementation.

The assignment due date cannot be changed because the work cannot be accepted after the last day of class.

Before working on this assignment
• Complete all required reading in the week 10-12 course content
• Complete the chatbot self-assessment in the week 10-12 course content
• Complete the chatbot walkthrough in assignment 4 folder, including ungraded exercises
• Make sure that your IBM Cloud account is active


• A single Microsoft Word or PDF file with a report that addresses all requirements above and all bullet points in the grading rubric.
• The JSON file. See the chatbot walkthrough for instructions on how to export the JSON file.
Only one assignment submission is allowed. Make sure to attach 2 files before hitting the submit button.

To get credit for assignment deliverable, the discussed application and scenarios must be original. The chatbot implementation must meet the defined purpose.
Follow the outline below to write a detailed report on your experiment.
1. Introduction
• Define the purpose of the chatbot and the conversation requirements. How will an end-user interact with the bot? What are the expected benefits of the chatbot you are going to build?
• Use Visio or build the dialog flow diagram. Discuss at least 5dialog scenarios.

2. Implementation
• Use Watson Assistant service to build the chat bot per requirements above. The dialog implementation is required to utilize
o User entities and system entities
o Each value in the user entity should have at least 3 synonyms
o Intents; each intent should have at least 5 examples
o context variablesand slots to collect and store user input
o handlers to answer quick questions while collecting information from a user.
o regular expressions to parse user input
o conditional responses
o the responses at each parent node should have at least 3 variations
o use image, option, and pause response types in addition to text response type.
• Discuss the development steps, including the entities and intents you created, the application of context variables and slots, the dialog nodes and flow.
• Use the try it out panel to testthe dialog scenarios disused above. Include the screenshots that show the bot responses and your input. Explain and interpret how the bot handles and responds to your input.
• Use the try it out panel to Illustrate handling the unexpected input and training the bot. Include the screenshots of the dialog. Explain how the bot handles your input and the approach you use to train the bot.

3. Virtual Assistant and Conversation Data Analysis2-days experiment
• Create a virtual assistant. Share the public link with 2-5 friends and/or family members.
• Day 1
o Ask each participant to run 3-4 conversations.
o At the end of the day, take screenshots of the conversation analytics overview tab. Include the screenshots in your paper and interpret the metrics and plots.
o Check the interactions between user and chatbot on the user conversation tab and identify the messages with unrecognized intents and with misclassified entities. Adjust the classification as needed and discuss the adjustments in your paper.
• Day 2
o Ask each participant to run the same 3-4 conversations again.
o At the end of the day, take screenshots of the conversation analytics overview tab. Make sure that the time period includes day 1 and day 2.
o Include and discuss the screenshots of the overview page in your paper. Discuss the changes in top entities and top intents during day 2.
o Check the interactions between chatbot and user and discuss the findings in the paper.
o If you were going to run this experiment for a third day, what additional entity and intent classification adjustments would you make?

4. Chatbot Enhancement
• What approaches did you use to personalize the interaction with the chatbot?
• Choose 2 Watson services from the list below and discuss how would you integrate them to enhance the chatbot's understanding of user's input and to improve the relevancy of responses.
• What messaging platform would you use to deploy the chatbot? Explain the rationale for your platform choice.
• What approaches would you use to further train the chatbot after deployment

5. Conclusion.
• Discuss 3 chatbot implementation challenges and at least 3 recommendations to build the "smart" chatbots.
• Would the chatbot that you implemented replace the interaction with the live person? Why or why not?

Attachment:- Assignment Requirements.rar

Reference no: EM132290553

Questions Cloud

Higher price in another market : What does "It never pays a monopolist to sell at a low price in one market when he or she can get a higher price in another market." mean?
What are the cloud storage implications : Guidelines: (1) Write an answer analysis for the following question(250-300 word minimum). Our lesson highlighted several contemporary issues.
Describe disadvantages of working in each setting : Health education is shaped by the audience it targets, and is often dictated by the setting in which health education takes place. Provide a thorough.
What are the dangers of these movements individually : What are the dangers of these movements individually? What are the dangers of these movements as they work together?
Illustrate the application of cognitive computing : Illustrate the application of cognitive computing and machine learning concepts through building and training a chatbot that simulates the human conversation
What logical fallacies did you find in the episode : What logical fallacies did you find in the episode? Don't just provide the name of the fallacy; thoroughly describe HOW the arguments are fallacious.
What is the problem of stagflation : What is the problem of stagflation and the problems it creates for policy makers.
What is the concept of phillips curve : What is the concept of Phillips curve and how it can be used to examine the shifts of the aggregate supply curve in the AD-AS model.
Determine the elasticity of demand : ?A monopoly produces X at a marginal cost of $10 per unit and charges a price of $20 per unit. Determine the elasticity of demand at the profit-maximizing price



4/22/2019 3:51:37 AM

Conclusion • The chatbot implementation challenges are discussed in-depth • Would your chatbot replace the human interaction • The experiment take-aways reflect the assignment purpose 10 Presentation & Articulation; Paper mechanics and flow; APA format 5 Total


4/22/2019 3:51:30 AM

Conversation data analysis experiment • The paper includes the screenshots of the conversation overview page after day 1 and after day 2 and screenshots interpretation • Demonstrate concepts application through in-depth user conversation data log interpretation and through the discussion on intents/entities classification adjustments to improve the match relevancy. 15 Analysis and enhancement • The report illustrates an application of the machine learning, natural language processing, and cognitive computing concepts • Addressed all bullet points in the analysis and enhancement section of the assignment requirements • The discussed integration with other applications is a valuable enhancement of the interaction with the catboat. • The effective use of references to support the analysis • Work originality 25


4/22/2019 3:51:20 AM

Assignment Grading Rubric Criteria Weight Points Earned Comments Introduction • Business problem definition, including motivations for chatbot implementation • Flow diagram, and scenarios discussion. • The application originality. 15 Implementation • The implementation and discussion address all scenarios defined in the introduction and all bullet points in the assignment requirements. • Used the system entities and user entities with at least 3 examples for each value • Each intent has at least 5 examples • Used context variables and slots to collect and store user input • Used handlers and discursions to allow switching topics during the conversation. • Regular expressions to parse user input. • Conditional responses, at least 3 response variations in each parent node • Used text, image, and option response types. • The implementation is beyond examples in the walkthrough and shows the application of key concepts • Work originality • The work is reproducible when submitted JSON file is imported into Watson Conversation. 30


4/22/2019 3:51:03 AM

Very important – Your chatbot must be implemented 2-3 days before the assignment is due to collect and analyze the conversation data. The assignment due date cannot be changed because the work cannot be accepted after the last day of class.

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