Reference no: EM131969557
Exercise 1) Truth or false. Explain your answer.
A) Tobin's q-theory for the housing market says that investors will choose to build new houses if and only if the housing prices in the next period are expected to exceed the housing prices for this period.
B) The expectations hypothesis "adaptive changes" states that economic operators will create the expectation xte for an economic size xt in period t, as a weighted average of the last to observed values of the same size. Accordingly xte = ∅x(t-1) + (1-Ø)x(t-2), where Ø is a parameter 0 < Ø < 1.
Exercise 2) Monetary and fiscal policy in a closed economy
πte describes economic operators expectations for inflation in period t-1 until t. π(t+1)e describes economic operators as well as the central banks expectations to inflation in period t until period t+1.
The four equations of the economy:
yt - y ¯= vt + α1(gt - g ¯ ) - α2(rt - r ¯) (IS)
rt = it - π(t+1)e (RR)
it = r ¯+π(t+1)e + h(πt - π*) + b (yt - y ¯) (MP)
πt = πte + μ(yt - y ¯) (AS)
yt, rt, it, πt are all endogenous variables.
α1, α2, h, b and μ are all strict positive parameters.
y ¯, g ¯, r ¯ and π*are all exogenous variables.
1) Show that π(t+1)e can be eliminated from the two equations (RR) and (MP) which then means: rt = r ¯+ h(πt -π*) + b(yt - y ¯) (MP')
2) Show that (IS) and (MP') implies the AD curve:
yt - y ¯ = zt - a(πt - π*) (AD)
Where zt = (vt + α1 (gt-g ¯))/(1+α2 b) and a=(α2h)/(1+α2b) > 0 (1)
Briefly explain this.
3) Show that (AS) and (AD) for a given expectation πte implies
yt = y ¯+(zt-a(πte-π*))/(1+aμ) (2)
πt = π*+ (πte - π* + μzt)/(1+aμ) (3)
4) In the following the reduced system will be consisting of (AS) and (AD) and it is a long run equilibrium in period 0, where y0 = y ¯, π0 = π*, g0 = g ¯ and v0 = z0 = 0.
Illustrate AD and AS in the long run equilibrium in period 0 with yt at x-axis and πt at the y-axis.
5) In the following a temporary shock hits the fiscal policy, where public spendings raises to g1 > g ¯ in period 1. Afterwards gt returns to the long run level g ¯ from period 2 and onwards.
Expectations are static at: xte = π(t-1) (SE)
The model then consists of (AS), (AD), (SE) and xte is an endogenous variable for each period t.
Explain why xte = π*. Explain and illustrate the effects of the shock to the fiscal policy only for period 1. Describe and explain what the parameters h & b means to these effect.
6) Illustrate (in a diagram with yt at x-axis and πt at the y-axis) how things will change for the forthcoming periods 2, 3, ... and so on.
7) Now the same fiscal policy shock are considered under a different market assumption, where private operators have confidence in the central banks inflations goals πte = π* (WRE)
The model now consists of (AS), (AD), (WRE), xte is an endogenous variable for each period t.
From equations (2) and (3) show the stochastic processes for yt and πt under WRE. Explain and illustrate for period 1 and the following periods. Compare the results from questions 5 and 6, and explain the differences.
8) For the remaining three exercises a negative demand shock (vt < 0) have created so negative output and inflation gaps that the nominal interest rate in accordance with (MP) have declined past it's lower limit (which would be expected to be 0). The economy is in a liquidity trap and (MP) is replaced with it = 0 (MP')
In the first fase the economy will still have the current wage contract, from before the negative shock hit the economy. Therefore expected inflation until the considered period t is xte =π*. For the forthcoming expected inflation x(t+1)e stochastic expectations will be assumed again.
x(t+1)e = πt (SE)
Show that with these assumptions the model will be reduced to
yt - y ¯= vt + α1 (gt - g ¯ ) - α2 (-πt - r ¯) (AD')
πt = π*+ μ(yt - y ¯ ) + st (AS')
9) It is assumed that 1/α2 > μ
Illustrate and explain the effects of expansive fiscal policy gt > g ¯ in a period t where the model consists of AD' and AS'. Remember that a negative shock has hit output and inflation below the long run limits.
10) Now assume that expected inflation will no longer be at πte = π* but rather xte = π(t-1) (Therefore π*in AS' is replaced by π(t-1). Illustrate what this means over time for the economy, and comment on the result.
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