Ignore the cost of gasoline and depreciation of her car

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131218630

Travel Time Each WayPrice of a Skirt
(Minutes)(Dollars per skirt)
Local Department Store 15 102
Across Town 30 85
Neighboring City 60 76

Juanita makes $42 an hour at work. She has to take time off work to purchase her skirt, so each hour away from work costs her $42 in lost income. Assume that returning to work takes Juanita the same amount of time as getting to a store and that it takes her 30 minutes to shop. As you answer the following questions, ignore the cost of gasoline and depreciation of her car when traveling.

Reference no: EM131218630

Questions Cloud

Write a literature review using the articles : Write a literature review using the articles provided on Moodle, You must use at least three of the journal articles given on moodle, You don't have to use all of the journal articles.
What was the current account balance : Assume there are only 3 countries in the world: X, Y, and Z. In 2010, X ran a Current Account deficit of $10 billion while X ran a Current Account surplus of $3.5 billion. What was the Current Account balance for Z? Was it a surplus or a deficit?
Peter form a cartel and maximize their joint profit : If  Bill, Ben ,and  Peter form a cartel and maximize their joint profit, the price of a unit of  oil is $- and the quantity produced is ----units a day.
The phrase an economic boom is around corner is example of : The phrase "An economic boom is around the corner" is an example of. The statement "This year the number of housing starts increased, inventories declined, and the stock market rose significantly" is an example of.
Ignore the cost of gasoline and depreciation of her car : Juanita makes $42 an hour at work. She has to take time off work to purchase her skirt, so each hour away from work costs her $42 in lost income. Assume that returning to work takes Juanita the same amount of time as getting to a store and that it..
How does data capture allow for improvement : How does data capture help with quality management and reporting? How does it assist with continued accreditation and government/insurance reimbursement for continued treatment? Does it show accountability? If so to whom? How does data capture all..
How many more kilowatts can alternator supply : If the power factor is raised to unity, how many more kilowatts can alternator supply for the same kVA loading ?
Cost of running the system : "The system of public education generates greater benefits to society than the cost of running the system" is a normative statement.
Calculate the npv for each alternative : Calculate the expected NPV for each alternative. Explain the decision rules for making a selection between the two alternatives on the basis of the expected NPV.


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