IFSM 305 Information Systems in Healthcare Organizations

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM132554873

IFSM 305 Information Systems in Healthcare Organizations - University of Maryland Global Campus

Stage 1: Organizational Analysis and Requirements

Case study - Midtown family clinic


Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study. Refer to the System Recommendation Report - Table of Contents - below to see where you are in the process of developing this report.

As a professional medical consultant, you have been asked to conduct an analysis, develop a set of system requirements and propose an Electronic Health Records (EHR)system to improve the Midtown Family Clinic's processes. This work will be completed in four stages, and each of these four stages will focus on one section of an overall System Recommendation Reportto be delivered to the Midtown Family Clinic.

The sections of the System Recommendation Report will be developed and submitted as four staged assignments. In stages 2, 3 and 4, you will also incorporate any feedback received when the previous stage is graded to improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report. The incorporation of feedback will not be graded until the final Report is submitted, but it will help you as you develop subsequent stages of the assignment. At the end of the course, you will submit a complete System Recommendation Report that includes all the sections and changes that resulted from previous feedback. A key to successful business writing is quality and conciseness rather than quantity.

The sections are described below and the graphic that follows provides the detailed outline and Table of Contents for this report:

Introduction - Provides background and sets the stage for the rest of the document. To be written and submitted as part of Stage 1.

Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1) - The first stepis to look at the organization and explain how an EHR system could benefit the Midtown Family Clinic's processes.

Section II: Data Sharing (Stage 2) - Next you will explain, the types of data that need to be shared with other organizations, and what data interchange standards should be used.

Section III: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3) - Then you will analyze the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues that impact the EHR solution for the Midtown Family Clinic.

Section IV: System Recommendation (Stage 4) - Finally, you will identify a certified EHR system for the Midtown Family Clinic, and explain what improvements the Clinic can expect, how it meets the requirements, and what needs to be done to implement the system at the Clinic.

Conclusion - Summarizes the document. To be written and submitted as part of Stage 4.

References - List of references. A separate page developed as part of Stage 1 with references added (in alphabetical order) as other sections are added to the report.

System Recommendation Report

Table of Contents

Introduction(Stage 1)
II.Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1)
A. Introduction
B. Strategic Use of Technology
C. Components of an Information System
D. Functional Requirements
E. Summary
II. DataSharing (Stage 2)
A. Introduction
B. Need to Share Data
C. Types of Data to be Shared
D. Data Interchange Standards
E. Summary
III. Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues (Stage 3)
A. Introduction
B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues
C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue
D. Summary
IV. System Recommendation (Stage 4)
A. Introduction
B. Proposed IT solution
C. How the Proposed IT Solution Meets the Requirements
D. Improvements from Proposed IT Solution
E. Implementation Considerations
F. Summary
Conclusion (Stage 4)

System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section I - Organizational Analysis and Requirements

Section I of the SRR document contains an organizational analysis and identifies ways in which an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can help the Midtown Family Clinic to meet its strategic goals.The next step is to identify data and functional requirements for the EHR system. This analysis lays the ground work for the rest of SRR, as the recommendation for an EHR must support the Clinic's strategic goals and meet its functional and data requirements.

Stage 1 Assignment Instructions

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Introduction andSection I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements. Recommended lengths for each section are providedand you should be sure to includeall pertinent information.

Introduction- briefly describe (at a high level) the organization in the Case Study; provide a context for the rest of the document. (one to two paragraphs)

I. Organizational Analysis and Requirements

A. Introduction - Introduction to this sectiondescribing what is included.(3-4 sentences)

B. Strategic Use of Technology -Using the Strategic Goals section of the Case Study, list three strategic goals that have been identified by the Midtown Family Clinic, and that can be supported with an EHR system. For each, explain how an EHR system can be used to support the goal. (Introductory sentence and list of three strategic goals with one to two strong sentences that explain how an EHR system would support the strategic goal and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)
1. Strategic Goal 1 and explanation:
2. Strategic Goal 2 and explanation:
3. Strategic Goal 3 and explanation:

C. Components of an Information System -An information system is comprised of people, technology, processes (or organizational components), and data. Explain each of the following in relationship to an EHR system to support the Midtown Family Clinic:
1. People- List the people who would use the new EHR system by name and role, and identify two things that person needs (functions) the system to do to help them with their job. (Provide an introductory sentence for Section C, and a sentence on people followed by a list of the people who will use the system and their roles.)
A. Person 1 and role, and two functions
B. Person 2 and role, and two functions
C. Person 3 and role, and two functions

2. Organizational Processes - list three processes that are used at the Clinic that would be supported by an EHR system and explain how the processes would be improved using an EHR system. (Provide an introductory sentence and list/explanation of three processes.)
A. Process 1 and how it would be improved
B. Process 1 and how it would be improved
C. Process 1 and how it would be improved

3. Data - The new EHR system will need to collect, store and process data.An example of needed data is "Name of Patient." The case study providesinsight into the kinds of data that will be needed.First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section. Then identify ten (10) critical data items forthis EHR system solution.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

D. Functional Requirements -The next step is to identify the essentialrequirements for the EHR system. Review the processes and data items you listed above and create a list of ten (10) requirements. Each requirement is one sentence in length and addresses one thing the system must do. The requirements are documented in a table, as shown below. For a full requirement specification, there will be many requirements statements; you only need to provide ten. The requirements should be derived from the Case Study; an analyst should not "invent" requirements.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

E. Summary - briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader.(3-4 sentences)

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you,your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the "self," out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. The Report is to be written for the Midtown Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

• Write a short concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It's important to value quality over quantity. The body (Introduction to the report and Section I) of the assignment should not exceed 6 pages.
• Ensure each section has an introductory sentence or two that sets the stage for the information to follow.
• Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
• Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content.
• Compare your work to the Assignment Instructions above and the Evaluation Criteria/Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.Do not overlook this step. Read your work out loud or have your computer read it to you. Fix the grammar and other areas identified.

Attachment:- Organizational Analysis and Requirements.rar

Reference no: EM132554873

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