IFN711 Industry Project Plan Assignment

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Reference no: EM132476975

IFN711 - Industry Project Plan - Queensland University of Technology

Learning Objective 1: Select and apply the appropriate project management approach to design and deliver a sophisticated IT system within a team environment

Learning Objective 2: Demonstrate project management skills including Estimation, planning, execution, monitoring & closing for a group IS/IT project

Learning Objective 3: Demonstrate professional skills and ethical conductThe Project Plan (PP)is a critical Project Management (PM) deliverable that will help you and your team's project's success. You and your team must work towards a high-quality PP. The PP is an assessable item and you will receive feedback. Please refer to the attached Marking Guide (see Appendix A) and ensure that the submitted plan covers all assessed criteria elements.

Your team will need to deliver IT artefacts that will address a specific company's requirements or an industry wide problem. The main outcome of the project is the development of an artefact, which must be communicated explicitly in your plan. In the industry-oriented projects, students are expected to plan and execute a set of activities to deliver an IT artefact. This is normally in the form of;

Part a) creating a new application or service or

Part b) modifying an existing app or service (e.g. an application, or a framework, or a tool, etc.) or

Part c) experiment and discuss the results of emerging technology for addressing a business need.

Your project assessment outcomes will need to be informed by the knowledge gained in your MIT units (using either research literature, industry-based case studies, white papers or advanced units' knowledge)so that your team can justify your choices. This will be a key consideration in the assessment to substantiate your design, development and implementation choices and validate your project outcomes.

Requirements for the Project Plan

While each project will be unique, your Project Plan should include the following elements as a minimum. You should discuss other items for inclusion with the project's supervisor (tutor).In section 3 your team will need to choose an appropriate Project Management (PM) approach for your industry project. You will justify your choice in this document. Once you have chosen a PM approach you must use the appropriate techniques related to that PM approach. In section 5 we have specified a WBS and Gantt chart technique in addition to the appropriate technique for your PM approach. The WBS is a well-established technique to track activity-based contributions assigned to each member of the team. These techniques will provide you with the data for subsequent assessments namely Individual journals and peer assessment components of the final report.

The purpose of this project is to expose you to real life event logs and analyse the data using different process mining techniques and tools. The questions asked in this project are of interest to industry. The event log provided to you as a part of this project pertains to a large multinational company operating from the Netherlands in the area of coatings and paints. In the dataset each purchase order contains one or more line items.

PART A: DISCO Analysis
You are to use the event log ‘Project_Log.xes' for Part A. The data set contains 251,734cases and 1595923 events. Answer the following questions using the DISCO Tool. For each question, start from the original log (unless specified otherwise).

Process discovery
1. Compare and contrast two process models (maps)- one generated using the setting: 100% activity and 100% paths and the other generated using the setting 100% activity and 50% paths.
2. Investigate the case variants detected from the log. Overall, how many case variants are present in the log? Report on the top ten (10) most frequent case variants and their respective frequencies. How much of the log do these ten (10) case variants cover? Explain the implications of a high number of case variants when you try to generate a representative process model.

Performance analysis
3. Filter the log to include cases of any two item catetgories (3-way with GR-based invoicing, 3-way without, 2-way, consignment).
Using the resulting filtered log answer the following questions:
(a) Where are the bottlenecks (the longest mean waiting times) in the process?
(b) How many cases are completed within two weeks?
(c) What is the spend area text in cases that finish within a week?

Process comparison
4. Compare process behaviour and process performance of two groups of cases of your choice. Please provide a reasoning for the selection of two groups.Describe your observations.

5. Apply any three relevant filters sequentially to the original log. Please explain which filters you appied and why. Show the overview screen with the statistics of the filtered log.
Using the resulting event log answer the questions:
(a) How many cases are there in the log?
(b) What is their mean duration?
(c) Explain the process behaviour.

Improvement recommendations
6. Based on the insights gained from analysing the process in Disco, please provide two process improvement recommendations for compliance and provide justification for your recommendations using the analysis results (including screenshots).

PART B: Process Mining with ProM

You are to use the event log ‘Project_Log.xes' for Part B as well. Answer the following questions using different plug-ins available in ProMLite.For each question, start from the original log (unless specified otherwise).

Process Discovery
1. Mine the log with Alpha, Heuristics and Inductive Miner algorithms. Show the screenshots of these models. Discuss the models in terms of the notation used, the constructs present in the mined model and compare the similarities and differences between these models.

Process Conformance
2. Replay the log on the process models you discovered from Alpha and Inductive Miners.
(1) Do these models completely fit the log? If not, how many instances fit these models and how many do not?
(2) Where are the problems for the non-fitting process instances?
(3) Discuss how well these models describe the process behaviour seen in the log by making use of the trace fitnessmetrics.

Performance Analysis

3. Conduct the dotted chart analysis using the ‘Analyze using Dotted Chart' plug-in to analyse the throughput times of cases. Discuss the insights gained from the analysis.

4. Identify the bottlenecks in the system using ‘Replay a log on Petri Net for Performance/Conformance' plug-in. Please make use of the discovered model from the Inductive Miner algorithm.

Improvement Recommendations
Q5. Based on the insights gained from utilising various process mining techniques, please provide twoprocess improvement recommendations for compliance and provide justification for your recommendations using the analysis results (including screenshots).

PART C: Overall Process Mining Analysis

The organisation that has provided this data has indicated questions regarding compliance of purchase orders. In this part of the project you are expected to use DISCO, ProM, and a third process mining tool (such as Celonis) to provide answers to the following questions.

Q1. Based on derivation of different process models please describe the overall purchase order process of the organisation.

Q2. Which category of purchase documents take maximum time and why?

Q3. What are the main deviations in the purchase order of different item categories?

Q4. What are the main bottlenecks in the entire purchase order process?

Attachment:- Process Mining Project.rar

Reference no: EM132476975

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