If the government increases the tax on a liter of petrol

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13894758

1.If the government increases the tax on a liter of petrol by 5p, what will determine the amount by which the price of petrol will go up as a result of this tax increase?

Reference no: EM13894758

Questions Cloud

Descriptions is not an example of social learning : Which of the following descriptions is not an example of social learning?a. chimpanzees using stones to crack nuts    b. mate choice copying in guppies
Descriptions is an example of a fixed-action pattern : Which of the following descriptions is an example of a fixed-action pattern?a. a crane in a captive-breeding program imprinting on its human caregiverb. a male stickleback chasing a red-bellied object from its territory
The behavior that maximizes an animal''s energy : The behavior that maximizes an animal's energy intake-toexpenditure ratio is calleda. optimal foraging  b. Hamilton's rule
Proximate causes : Proximate causesa. explain the evolutionary significance of a behavior  b. are immediate causes of behavior such as environmental stimuli
If the government increases the tax on a liter of petrol : 1.If the government increases the tax on a liter of petrol by 5p, what will determine the amount by which the price of petrol will go up as a result of this tax increase?
Behavioral ecology : Behavioral ecology is the...a. study of the behavior of animals, focusing on stimulus and response  b. application of human emotions and thoughts to other animals
What is a monomer composed of a five carbon sugar : what is a monomer composed of a five carbon sugar, phosphate and either adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine or uracil?
What consists of sugars and sugar polymers : What consists of sugars and sugar polymers that provide a source of energy and structural components for cells?
A diagram that can show the relative amounts of energy : A diagram that can show the relative amounts of energy, biomass, or number of organisms in each tropic level in an ecosystem


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