Ideology impinges on communicative competency

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Reference no: EM1381608

Discuss how ideology impinges on communicative competency in practice, especially legal venues such as child protective investigations and services.

Explore the extent to which distorted communication practices occur at the level of the intersubjective relations between the system (as represented by the various actors in child protection practice) and the live world (as represented by the client) using the following ideologies of Sinclair's: blame, bureaucratic, medical, penal, humanistic, and technocratic.

Reference no: EM1381608

Questions Cloud

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Ideology impinges on communicative competency : Discuss how ideology impinges on communicative competency in practice, especially legal venues such as child protective investigations and services.
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Professional life-client community : Critically discuss two venues in your professional life and client community that might constitute both benefit and harm. Use the ACA casebook or your own particular ethical codes of conduct as a guide to distinguish benefit or harm.


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