Identifying what type of change is required

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Reference no: EM132047931

Question: Respond to the post in at least 250-300 words.

For your current organization or one with which you are familiar identify the change initiative that you will use for your Week 8 Change Management Application paper in which you diagnosis the need for change, and create a proposed action plan based on either Kotter' 8 Step Process or The Change Path Model; possible examples include a change in a policy, process, technology, mergers and acquisitions, and reorganizations. In responding to this discussion thread, describe change initiative identifying what type of change is required: tuning, adapting, redirecting or recreating. In addition to your week 8 paper, you will use this change initiative to respond to discussion questions in weeks 4, 5 and 7. Note: This discussion question does not require any scholarly sources, and you do not have to post replies to your colleagues.

Bridges, W. (2007). Transitions: Making sense of life's changes (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: DaCapo Press. ISBN: 978-0-7382-0904-3

Cawsey, T.F., Deszca, G., &Ingols, C. (2016). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-1-4833-5930-4

Reference no: EM132047931

Questions Cloud

Briefly describe the watershed event : Prepare and submit through the Turnitin link below a 6 page paper that applies Bridge's transition model to event a Watershed event.
What will be the net obligation of interloan : If after one year the market value of the loan has increased by 1.8% and LIBOR is 5%, what will be the net obligation of Interloan?
Define critical component of effectively leading change : Compare and contrast Bridge's Transitions to Duck's Five-Stage Change Curve described in Chapter 2 of your textbook. What are the similarities and differences?
Why calling upon relevant literature from your mba studies : As an organizational development consultant you are asked to recommend what you believe to be the key elements of effective system of leadership and governance
Identifying what type of change is required : In responding to this discussion thread, describe change initiative identifying what type of change is required: tuning, adapting, redirecting or recreating.
What is devra webers dark sweat white gold argument : What is Devra Weber's Dark Sweat White Gold argument? Are you convinced by it? Why or why not?
Explain the persuasive tactics in detail : Make a list of at least 10 persuasive tactics - things you've done to persuade other people, or things other people have done to try to persuade you.
Write an essay on eastern philosophical school of buddhism : Does this view of the world make sense given all the pleasure and happiness that we can notice and do experience in life?
Retirement fund represents interest and gains : How much of the retirement fund represents interest and gains (in excess of contributions) earned?


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