Identifying the influences of customer satisfaction

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131810698

1. What methods are most effective in identifying the influences of customer satisfaction, given that some aspects of service may be unconsciously experienced by customers?

2. Select a service organization and identify the key back-office and front office tasks. What activities have most impact on the customer experience? Could any task move from one area to the other and what wouldd be the implications?

Reference no: EM131810698

Questions Cloud

Role in the mission and vision of the organization : One way HR can participate in organizational change is to have a role in the mission and vision of the organization.
Topic of labor relations : Please post a recent (last two years) events article or a short YouTube video germane to the topic of "Labor Relations".
Discussion about the new direction of an organization : Explanation and discussion about the new direction of an organization. Incorporate corporate culture considerations.
Expected to detect changes in organizational direction : students are expected to detect changes in organizational direction and demonstrate how HR can be a strategic partner in helping to effectuate change
Identifying the influences of customer satisfaction : What methods are most effective in identifying the influences of customer satisfaction,
Determine the average project completion time : A pilot simulation run was performed to determine the average project completion time.
Tension between business interests in maximizing profits : Discuss the tension between business’s interests in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete,
Writing a personal services contract introduction : Writing a Personal Services Contract Introduction A contract is simply an agreement that specifies the rights and responsibilities of the signatories.
Identify organization that was involved in corporate fraud : Identify an organization that was involved in corporate fraud. Use technology and information resources to research issues in forensic accounting.


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