Identifying the different stages of the cardiac cycle

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13951576

Paper Type:
Coursework Research & Writing

Topic: The Cardiovascular System

No# of Pages: 3 pages (750 words)

Academic Level: High School

Subject Area: Nursing

Paper Style: Harvard

No# of Sources Required: 5

Task 1: Construct a flow diagram identifying the different stages of the cardiac cycle.
Draw a sketch on an ECG describing the following:
1- Excitation of the ventricles and ventricular systole;
2- Electrical recovery of the ventricles and ventricular systole;
3- Excitation of the atria and atrial systole.

Task 2 Construct a A4 labelled diagram and explain the structure and function of the tree main blood vessels in the body(Arteries, Veins and Capillaries)

Task 3 Write NOTES explaining how the body monitors and maintains blood pressure in your answer. You Must refer to the control of blood vessels size and heart rate.

Reference no: EM13951576

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