Identifying potential projects

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133037562

What are the strategies and skills to be used for identifying potential projects?

What steps (list the steps from the data sources you will explore to the search terms you will use) will you take to collect information need to identify two potential project topics?

Reference no: EM133037562

Questions Cloud

What is the recognized loss for ayanna corporation : What is the recognized loss for Ayanna corporation if the land is sold to an unrelated third party for $100,000
Discuss the benefits and risks of free trade agreements : Discuss the benefits and risks of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) for both developed and developing countries. Support your answer with examples.
Evaluate methods of learning and development : How important is it to align workplace learning and training with the organizational strategy? Explain.
How much are the total assets of the firm : Question - The following items are components of a traditional balance sheet. How much are the total assets of the firm
Identifying potential projects : What are the strategies and skills to be used for identifying potential projects?
Make effective decisions as a health care leader : How will you make effective decisions as a health care leader?
Perform a case analysis : Look for a Case Scenario, may be real-life or fictional, that relates to any of the following topics:
How would you explain lasik to a patient : How would you explain LASIK to a patient? Be sure to explain the procedure using terms that a patient can understand.
What is the yield percent : The loss percent for apples is 15%. After peeling and trimming the apples you have 28.8 ounces of peels and cores. What is the yield percent?


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