Reference no: EM133532913
Summary of how deductive reasoning can be used to solve problems and manage risk(s) in a criminal justice context.
Problem or Scenario: Identifying Possible Terrorist Threats at a Specific Public Event
Include the following headings and information in your summary:
1. Explain the concept of deductive thinking.
2. Explain the skills and mindset required to apply deductive reasoning.
3. Explain the relevance of truth, validity, and soundness when applying deductive reasoning.
Deductive Reasoning Analysis
Create a scenario illustrating how deductive reasoning can be used to solve a problem/scenario related to crime in 1 of the following criminal justice subdomains that you selected in Week 1: law enforcement, courts, or corrections.
Identify the problem and relevant criminal elements.
Explain how deductive reasoning can be used to address the problem.
Risk Management Analysis
Identify 1 or 2 potential risks in the scenario or crime/problem and explain how applying deductive reasoning can help reduce or manage these risk(s). Consider the following examples:
Operational risks (e.g., personnel/property/assets/resources)
Compliance and/or liability risks (e.g., legal/financial)
Risks to public safety or public reputation
Ethical risks
Technology risks