Reference no: EM132225772
Assignment: Performance Management
Topics: Choose ONE of the following topics and focus on one specific area:
Topic 1: Performance appraisal: Issues and strategies for best practice
Suggestions for specific areas to focus on for Topic 1 include (but are not limited to):
• Objectives and/or performance standards
• Formal and informal meetings
• Self-evaluation
• Potential disagreements
• Supervisor training
Topic 2: Managing poor-performing individuals: Issues and strategies for best practice
Suggestions for specific areas to focus on for Topic 2 include (but are not limited to):
• Identifying and diagnosing performance problems
• Designing and implementing a development plan
• Role of the supervisor
• Coaching for development
Structure of your Analytical Report
Note: No title page, abstract, executive summary, or TOC required.
Your report should include the following sections (approx. % of word count):
Title (N/A)
• Include the topic title.
Introduction : • The introduction should introduce the topic, explain why it is of critical importance in performance management, and provide an overview of the report (major arguments/ directions).
• Use ‘Introduction' as a subheading.
Critical Analysis: • The analysis is more than just a summary of the literature. You need to conduct an in-depth analysis of a focused topic that:
i. Highlights similarities and differences within the literature;
ii. Strengths and weaknesses of the PM policies, strategies, and practices reviewed.
• Include your own sub headings which relate to the themes being discussed within this section. The subheading should not be Critical Analysis.
Recommendations: • Make recommendations, based on the arguments presented in the body of the assignment, for policies and practices which should be developed and/or implemented by organisations to respond to issues identified as being of critical importance in performance management.
• You must reference relevant literature to support the recommendations.
• Use ‘Recommendations' as a subheading.
Conclusion: • The conclusion should clearly summarise the key issues discussed in the literature review.
• Use ‘Conclusion' as a subheading.
Word Count: • Provide the assignment word count just below the Conclusions section.
References (The reference list is not included in the word count)
• Provide a reference list consistent with APA 6th edition (preferred) or Harvard style.
• This is NOT a bibliography. Do not cite material that you have read, but have not referred to in the body of the report.
• Ensure sources are cited in-text and in the reference list. Failure to do so can constitute plagiarism.
• Use ‘References' as a subheading.
You have 2000 words. Your introduction and conclusion should each be around of this (i.e. 200 words each). This means that you have 1200 words to construct your arguments and 400 words for your meaningful and well-researched recommendations. A well-written report will be clearly structured and integrate information from multiple sources to develop your points.
Information related to above question is enclosed below:
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