Identifying a model of schooling

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Reference no: EM133100520

Question: As you work through Module 1 and Module 2 of this course, we would like you to consider In depth your understanding of learning and teaching and the theories which underpin those.

This understanding is your personal theory of learning and practice, and at the end of your process work submission you will capture a summary of this. You will produce a 750-1000 word piece of writing for each module with the main title of 'My Informed theory of learning and practice'.

All students when they arrive at a teacher training course have a personal theory about education, schools, children, teaching and learning, what is important and what is not . they have their own intuitive, largely tacit, largely unexamined set of beliefs, attitudes, and values that are variously Idiosyncratic, partial, simplistic, archaic, and rigid. (Claxton, 1984, p.169)

You will Start by responding to Claxton's (1984) quote and examining in depth your beliefs, attitudes and values of education.
• How have these values been shaped and formed?
• Now do your DerSOnal values of education impact on what you consider the aims of education to be?
• mom would these influence schools?
• Now would they influence teaching and Marning within those schools?
• What evidence underpins these values'

You need to demonstrate how your values have been critically informed by yOUr experiences, your reading and activities through Module 1, and your reading and engagement with the literature.

Claxton, G. (1984) Live and learn: an introduction to the psychology of growth and change in everyday life. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.


You will be asked to choose an assignment. Either:

• write 4,000 words (+1. 10%) identifying a model of schooling with which you are familiar and critiquing It from the perspective of your developing educational alms, values, beliefs and philosophy or

• choose or record a video of teaching and produce a 15 minute spoken analysis of the educational aims and values demonstrated through the practice.

Full details of the requirements for this assignment and for its submission are available at the end of the module materials.

1. Think about a model of schooling with which you are familiar. This may be a school you have worked In, that you attended, that your children attend(ed), that you are aware of from your local environment, or that you nave read about or watched a Aim or documentary about.

2. Ensure you understand enough about the school and how it is Situated within its national/international context to be able to critique it in a balanced way from the perspective of educational values.

3. Select the particular aspect(s) of the module which you And interesting and which you are able to develop further through your assignment topic. Do not try to cover everything in the module. You will need to be selective to attain depth of discussion. Think about the coherence of your argument.

4. Read extensively around your chosen area. You should draw on this literature throughout the assignment and consider the impact of your reading around educational alms and values: what have been the significant influences in how and why these have been developed or shaped?

5. Clarify the aims) of the assignment (see page 1 of this section).

6. Decide on a title that represents the particular aspects yOu will be writing about in the assignment.

Attachment:- Personal theory.rar

Reference no: EM133100520

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