Reference no: EM133785439
1. Students are to identify current legislative action(s) or proposed legislative actions that are/will impact social systems in this nation.
2. After identifying a legislative action, provide the following within your presentation:
a. What is the legislative action?
b. Who proposed or created the legislative action? What is the legislation's political affiliation of the creator(s)?
c. What is the background or history of the person or organization that proposed the legislation?
d. When was it created?
e. Reasoning/rationale for the legislation based on the creator of the legislation.
f. What is or will be the impact of the legislation?
g. What populations have been/would be most impacted by the legislation?
h. How has the population most impacted by the legislation responded?
3. Explain in detail how social work students, communities, and individuals can address the legislative action(s) that you chose.
4. Assignment requirements: This creative assignment allows the students to be innovative in presenting the required information for the assignment. No papers will be accepted for the assignment.
5. You must have current references for this assignment. No references will be accepted for those over three years old.
6. Presentations must be no less than 10 minutes and no longer than 12 minutes.
7. All presentations will be developed into a Poster Presentation to be displayed at the School of Social Work prior to the end of the semester.