Identify your weakest area and make a list of activities

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133540721


How can you develop the skills needed to succeed as an international leader? Researchers have developed a personal strategy for building a global mindset that will facilitate success as an effective manager in a different cultural setting. A global mindset has three components: intellectual capital, the understanding of how business works on a global level; psychological capital, openness to new ideas and experiences; and social capital, the ability to build connections with people and to influence stakeholders from a different cultural background. You have read all about them in Chapter 10. If you are interested in more information, go to https://, where you can find out about the Global Mindset Inventory (GMI) and other resources. Consider the following questions and share with your peers: As a baseline of your current position, list your strengths and weaknesses for each component.

I. Identify your weakest area and make a list of activities that will help you improve your capital in that area.

II. Identify at least three activities you could do to get started. For example, you could choose to work with students who are located in other countries on group projects in class. Perhaps invite students with backgrounds different from your own to lunch and ask questions that would help you learn about their culture and about doing business in their country. You could go to a museum with an exhibit from another culture, an international movie, or a restaurant with cuisine that is new to you. What other activities can you think of?

Reference no: EM133540721

Questions Cloud

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Analyse the market environment : Analyse the market environment Who are the major players in the industry? How is this app perceived in the market


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