Reference no: EM131591822
In this report you are to assume that you are writing to your boss, and the purpose is to explain the logic for your Quarter-3 decisions. Throughout your paper you are to link your Quarter-3 decisions to the facts and figures provided in the simulation (e.g., market share, brand profitability, brand judgments, competitors’ brands, ad copy judgments, competitors’ sales forces, etc.)
Papers are to be approximately two pages in length, double-spaced, with one -inch top, bottom, left and right margins, using 11-pt. Times New Roman font. Papers should be grammatically correct, with no spelling errors. You are to use your own words to summarize the information. Moreover, ables found in the simulation are not to be copied and pasted. You can assume that your boss already has these tables; your job, then, is to highlight the relevant figures.
1. First of all, provide a brief overview of the performance of your company in Quarter-3. How does your balanced scorecard compare to your competition (i.e., Shark, Galileo, Synergy, and Constellation Computers)? What was the profitability of your brand(s), and your division?
2. Next, specify your target market, and identify your primary competition within that segment. Briefly describe how your brand performed relative to its competitors. In doing so, state your market share and that of the leading, relevant competitors (i.e., within the targeted segment).
3. Discuss how the respective target market rated your brand, and indicate how this rating compares to the relevant competing brands. Then briefly describe any changes that you will make in Quarter-3,and tell why.
4. Now discuss your pricing. Explain how you arrived at the price of your PC. Going forward into Quarter-3, explain whether you will make any changes to the price of each brand, and why (or whynot).
5. Now do the same things in regards to advertising. Briefly indicate how the target market judged your ad, and then explain what you need to do to make your advertisements more effective. In doing so, see how well the other companies fared, and check to see what they are doing differently. Also indicate how many ads you placed, and discuss any changes you plan to make in Quarter-3.
6. Similarly, discuss your sales channels, and indicate how many salespeople you employed. Discuss any changes you plan to make in regards to the number of salespeople you will employ in Quarter-3, and tell why.