Identify your current strategy for coping with stress

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Reference no: EM131095657

Go to the following website and take the stress inventory: (Links to an external site.)
After taking the stress inventory referenced above, write an essay to evaluate your personal stress level as well as your coping strategies when dealing with stress. This is a 5 part essay and should include the following:

Part 1 - Write a summary defining stress and stressors. Explain the relationship between stress and physiological as well as psychological health.

Part 2 - Discuss how you rated on the stress inventory - be specific. Then, identify the specific stressors in your life.

Part 3 - Identify your current strategy for coping with stress. Discuss whether your strategy(s) are effective or ineffective.

Part 4 - Discuss whether changes need to be made to reduce stress or to cope with stress for optimum health.

Reference no: EM131095657

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