Identify your conflict management style

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131698391

"Managing Conflict"

You have been planning a family vacation for months. You have booked the hotel and purchased non-refundable airline tickets.

One week before you are scheduled to go on your vacation, a coworker has told your manager that he needs to take the next week off, your vacation week, for a family emergency.

Your manager has told you that you have to miss your vacation in order to cover your coworker's shift, which means you will lose your hotel deposit and airline tickets.

Your coworker has had several family emergencies during the past six months. You have been willing to cover for him until now.

Identify your conflict management style.

Share how you would approach your manager and coworker.

Discuss the possible outcomes of your approach to your manager and coworker.

Reference no: EM131698391

Questions Cloud

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