Reference no: EM133286636
1. Identify at least three reasons why civic leaders like Livingston during the Founding period opposed partisanship. Be as concrete as possible.
2. The Structure of our electoral process helps explain why we have a 2 party system. Explain.
3. What groups tend to identify with the Democratic party today? Black Americans, Latinx Americans (except Cubans), Asian AMericans, More women, college educated people, agnostics and atheists, union members, urban city dwellers.
4. What groups tend to identify with the Republican party today? Rich people, business owners/corporate managers, non-Latinx White voters, southern state residents, older Americans, Mormons and White Evangelical Protestants, Non-College educated people, rural communities.
5. What kinds of activities do parties perform during election cycles?
6. Identify 5 policies that the Democratic Party supports today.
7. Identify 5 policies the Republican party supports today?
8. What's the difference between an implied power and an enumerate power in the Constitution?
9. Many folks argued that the "necessary and proper clause" gave sweeping or expansive power to the Federal Government. Explain the argument richly to reveal a firm grasp of the claim.
10. If you were asked whether or not Congress abused the "necessary and proper clause" what sorts of tests could you use to explain your response?
11. What is the "nullification" doctrine?
12. What a state "nullifies" federal law what does it presume it has the power to do?
13. Why do Read and Allen argue that the "nullification doctrine" undercuts some of the basic principles or structures within the Constitution?
14. What reasons do Read and Allen provide to support their argument that we should not encourage states to nullify federal laws.
15. If a state or state residents object to some federal law or federal action, what, besides nullification, can they do? Identify at least 3 actions they can take to voice their dissent.
16. What vision of womanhood does Murray reject? What vision does she advance?
17. What explains privileged white women's lack of reason and judgment, according to Murray?
18. What vision of womanhood does Sojourner's Truth reject? What vision does she advance?
19. On what basis does Sojourner's Truth grant Americans basic rights and liberties? How does this basis differ from Murray who roots them in cultivated reason and cultivated judgment?
20. Why did some free Black Americans from Baltimore entertain the idea of leaving their US homeland and moving to Liberia? Be specific and offer a full answer.
21. In what way are the colonization proposals put forth by the American Colonial Society examples of an implicitly racist "separate but equal" doctrine? Reveal thoughtful understanding of the argument here.