Identify which neurotransmitters affected in suzy case

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Reference no: EM132467950

In a 2- to 3-page, APA-formatted paper, include the following:

As a mental health professional, you are called upon to advocate for clients in mental health settings. For this Assignment, imagine you have been called into a panel discussion with the case study team for Suzy.

Your plan is to advocate for Suzy through her mental health treatment. In your advocacy for Suzy, address the following:

Question 1: Identify which neurotransmitters may be affected in Suzy's case and justify your selection based on evidence from the case and the Learning Resources.

Question 2: Identify three drugs that could be used to treat Suzy's mental health symptoms and explain how these drugs may affect her neurotransmitter function.

Question 3: Identify one possible drug of addictive potential that may contribute to her mental health symptoms.

Question 4: Explain how your awareness of using the right drugs helps in advocating for clients through mental health treatment.

  • Suzy is a 27-year-old Caucasian woman with no children. At age 8, she witnessed her mother's overdose of prescription pain medication. Her mother subsequently recovered but was addicted to prescription pain medication throughout Suzy's childhood. Suzy's father did not live with them. Suzy's mother suggested that this was because of his alcoholism. Rage-filled fights between her parents were commonplace for Suzy since she was an infant. Over the last several years, Suzy has become increasingly anxious. It seems that she is always on edge and worried. In fact, her doctor suspects she may have generalized anxiety disorder. She has been referred to your counseling clinic in hopes of getting better. During the first session, you learn that Suzy abuses alcohol frequently-six to seven drinks at least three times per week. Suzy believes she will have trouble coming to counseling if she does not have medication to help calm her down enough to "sit still."

Reference no: EM132467950

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