Identify two such languages and describe their complementary

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131600766


The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this module based on the course competencies covered.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the module as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion.

Discussion Question 1

HTML is the standard language used for creating websites. Often, additional languages are used as well. The complementary role of these languages is to enhance the functionality of the website in order to provide users with a better navigating experience. Identify two such languages and describe their complementary role with HTML.

Reference no: EM131600766

Questions Cloud

Discuss defendants in diversion programs : How many chances (how much leeway and in what types of offenses) should be given to defendants in diversion programs
Evaluate walmarts vision and mission : Evaluate Walmarts vision and mission, and identify two behaviors that align with or contradict the vision and/or mission.
Explaining the logistics management effort : MGT204 Logistics and Supply Chain Management - A critical analysis of the logistics challenges in transporting the locomotives and wagons from the point-of-origin.
Define evidence-based practice used in community corrections : evidence-based practice currently used in community corrections and summarize the program for the class
Identify two such languages and describe their complementary : HTML is the standard language used for creating websites. Identify two such languages and describe their complementary role with HTML.
Develop a code of conduct for medical tourism : Medical Tourism has become a growing industry, especially in developing countries. Research the topic of medical tourism and reflect on the ethics.
What should bryan do about the clock : Bryan Janz was just arriving back from lunch when his office phone rang. It was his wife, Nina, calling from home. Nina told Bryan that FedEx.
Review case study of lisa jennings : Lisa Jennings thought that at long last, her company, Assurance Technologies, was about to win a major contract from Sealgood Instruments.
Identify your fixed and variable costs : Identify your fixed and variable costs at your fast-food restaurant, and explain the changes to each of these costs given the increased demand.


Write a Review

Web Project Questions & Answers

  Evaluating an ecommerce website

Create a check list that contains key point for evaluating an ecommerce website - Write a short, reflective report about website

  Gpc and runtime magic quotes

Create a script that lets you know whether Zeus or Helios has the GPC and Runtime Magic Quotes turned on or off. The output should have appropriate labels that define what output signified and should display 'ON' or 'OFF' depending on the setting.

  Creating functions through conditional operator

Use the conditional operator and the cal_days_in_month function, determine the number of days in the current month and output to browser whether it is normal month or a leap month.

  Web development projects with database

Since the vast majority of web-development projects involve a database, do you think that computational activities should be performed there, or do you think they belong in the XML page or stylesheet?

  Comparing shelf software packages

Required assistance with comparing and contrasting two main off the shelf software packages that could be implemented in an organization.

  Web based scams

Web phishing, pharming and vishing are popular web based scams. Talk about currently used tools and recommended measures to defeat this kind of attacks efficiently?

  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

Webinars and other web conferencing techniques have proved most beneficial for the provision of affordable quality corporate training.

  Internet for business

Discuss how can a business use the Internet and give at least three examples with web links demonstrating your answer.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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