Identify two social influences that are relevant to consumer

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13888689

The Consumer as a Social Being

Word Limit: 2000 words.

Task: Social influences impact product and brand purchase decision at all stages of the consumer purchase decision process. You are required to identify at least two social influences that are relevant to the consumers of your firm or the firm you intend to work for (choose one product/service if more than one products/services are offered by your firm).

Discuss, specifically in reference to your firm, how the two or more social influences (culture, social class or reference groups) impact on the consumer purchase decision process.

Drawing on the theories discuss how marketers (in your firm) can apply this understanding of social influences on consumer behaviour to improve/enhance your firm's marketing strategies (use the extended marketing mix - i.e. 7 Ps and consider market segmentation).

Reference no: EM13888689

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