Reference no: EM133238127 , Length: Word Count: 4 Pages
Assignment - Forced Migration Essay
Description - International Bill of Human Rights and general causes of population displacements
Recommended readings - International Bill of Human Rights. Geneva: UN, 1994 (The International Bill of Human Rights);
Gil Loescher, Beyond Charity: International Cooperation and Global Refugee Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993: 3-54.
Suggested Readings - Otunnu, "Uganda as a Regional Actor in the Zairian War," in Adelman and Rao. eds., War and Peace in Zaire/Congo. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2004: 1-82; O. Otunnu, "Refugee Movements from the Sudan", Refuge, 13, 8 (1994): 1-20.
Documentaries on youtube - The Story of Human Rights, Human Rights in Two Minutes and What are Human Rights?
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Full Audobook: Political Repression, Forced Disappearances and the Struggle for Human Rights and Freedom in Contemporary Mexico:
Peru: Human Rights Abuses and Political Repression:
BBC: Update on Reports of Aid for Political Repression in Ethiopia.
Political Repression in Moscow
Inside Story-The Rohingya: A humanitarian Crisis
Surveillance and Repression of Muslim minorities: Xinjiang and Beyond
Religious Persecution Around the World:
Partition: The Day India Burned (1):
Partition: The Day India Burned (2):
Al Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe 1948:
Tibetan Refugee Documentary:
Syrian Conflict: Why is Syria at war, nine years on?
Syria News 2013: Refugees cross into uncertainty:
BBC news - Syrian Refugees: women in Jordan: Sexually exploited
South Sudan civil war causes Africa's worst refugee crisisLearning Objectives:
By the end of the readings and lecture, you will be able to:
-Identify the preamble, Articles 1-6, 9, 12-20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
-Identify three examples of violations of human rights that contribute to forced migration.
-Identify examples of three human rights that are violated by states and the federal government in the USA.
-Identify two problems with the enforcement of human rights.
-Identify two examples of religious persecution that have contributed to forced migration.
-Identify two examples of political repression and religious persecution that have contributed to forced migration.
-Identify two examples of state formation that have contributed to forced migration.
-Identify two examples of population displacements generated by the Cold War.
-Identify two examples of civil wars that have contributed to forced migration.
Reaction Paper - Describe and discuss two major causes of forced migration.