Identify two other active tourism players

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Reference no: EM132911823

Apart from Hotel operators, identify two other active tourism players that Takala can associate itself with to meet its strategic objectives. Explain how each association will be of help to Takala,

Selling Fiji and Fiji's Art - Case of Takala Investment Limited Takala Investments PTE Limited is a small business specializing in design, production, and retail of locally made handicraft items targeted at the tourist market. Whilst the target is the holiday makers and pleasure seekers who grace Fijian shows from abroad, their product has been of interest to some locals who value local craft work. It commenced its operations in the early 2014 and has recorded some moderate profits from its inception. With an exponential growth in Fijis' tourism market, Takala aims to be the leader in handicraft market. Takala is based in Coral Coast, Sigatoka. Currently 7 full time and 2 part time workers are employed by the organisation. These employees do not have any formal training and qualification in design and manufacture of handicraft but Takala relies on their creativity and natural talents. Close relatives and family members occasionally assist the 9 employees in the manufacture of products at no cost. The company actively works with women from Vatukarasa village in Sigatoka and Vatulele Island for supply of natural fibres and required raw materials for its products. The raw materials are readily available and at very low costs. In terms of existing business operations, Takala has a small home-based workshop studio for production of authentic and contemporary handcrafted items. It also has a retail outlet trading as 'The Art Cart' at a Lagoon Resort in Sigatoka. Whilst Takala mostly retails its own crafted products at the Art Cart, it sometimes sells products from other artists on commission basis. From the sales and commission it has grossed on average $120,000 per annum for the past 5 years. Takala is in the process of expanding its retail business to a new resort location. Alongside, it plans to secure business from wedding market at the Lagoon Resort, and perhaps along the coral coast. For this, Takala needs to increase its production, more importantly to diversify its range of items to furnish this market. Strategically, the company has a fair understanding of where they see themselves going forward; however, it regards it essential for an accurate and profound strategic assessment with mapped out strategies to be undertaken by an independent professional. This exercise will assist Takala to identify strengths and opportunities and also identify all the possible threats and the weakness that needs to be overcome.

Reference no: EM132911823

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