Identify two organisational procedures from Oliver Trading

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Reference no: EM132358220 , Length: 2

Organise Meetings Assignment - Prepare Meeting Documentation

Instructions to Student General Instructions: This task requires you to organise meetings following legal, ethical and organisational procedures.

In task 1 you are required prepare a notice of meeting and an agenda for the 'Oliver Trading' monthly directors' meeting. You are also expected to identify all other documents that will be required for the meeting and plan for their preparation and distribution. Task 1 also requires you to negotiate special dietary needs with the Oliver Trading General Manager. This negotiation activity is to be observed by your assessor by one of the following two methods:

  • within class with other students under the direct observation of your assessor;
  • video recorded with family, friends or other appropriate persons for online students and uploaded to the Connect LMS for observation by your assessor.

Task 2 requires you to demonstrate your ability to identify and apply legal, ethical and organisational requirements when organising business meetings.

Please ensure you reference any research sources using Harvard or APA referencing systems.

Required to be Submitted - Ensure you submit all of the following documents:

1. Notice of meeting

2. Meeting Agenda

3. Email to verify distribution of information

4. Meeting Documentation - table completed

5. Recording of meeting with Sonia Hurst (online students only).

6. Legal and Ethical Considerations.

Materials to be supplied: Templates for meeting organisation are provided within the assessment tasks.

Work, Health and Safety:

  • Conduct a risk assessment of your work environment to ensure your personal safety when completing assessment tasks
  • Follow TAFE Queensland Student Rules at all times to ensure your personal safety
  • Follow all instructions provided within the assessment tasks and program resources to complete the tasks in the timeframes required
  • Seek support from your Assessor and/or Student Support Services as required

Assessment Criteria: Demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:

  • Organise meetings and associated documentation.
  • Identify and follow legal, ethical and organisational requirements.
  • Distribute documentation following legal, ethical and organisational procedures.


Task 1 - Prepare meeting documentation

Step 1 Read the following meeting requirements:

You are to assume the role of Administration Assistant for 'Oliver Trading', a manufacturer of stationery and office equipment. You have been asked to prepare the notice of meeting and an agenda for the next monthly directors' meeting. You are also expected to organise the preparation and distribution of meeting papers.

The CEO's personal assistant is responsible for making meeting arrangements. She has provided you with the following details for the meeting (attached).

Step 2 From the information above Prepare a Notice of Meeting using the Oliver Trading template.

Step 3 From the information above Prepare a Meeting Agenda using the Oliver Trading template.

Step 4 Using the Meeting Documentation template identify all of the other documents you will need for this 'Oliver Trading' meeting. To plan for the meeting you need to identify the people you need to contact in order to get a copy of each document and the date by which you will need each document.

Step 5 Email the Meeting documentation to relevant people (yourself and your Assessor) following professional email procedures, advising the recipients of the meetings details and timeframes. Retain a copy of this email to submit within your portfolio

Step 6 You have been told by the CEO's Personal Assistant, that the General Manager, Sonia Hurst, has dietary requirements which need to be considered when organising the morning tea. You are to set up a short face to face meeting with Sonia to ascertain her special dietary needs. Sonia needs to identify appropriate foods for the morning tea which she can safely consume. You need to ensure that you ask questions and listen to Sonia's response to clarify your understanding.

Classroom students will set up this meeting with a class peer who is to play the role of Sonia. Your assessor will directly view this encounter and provide feedback.

Online students will need to set up this meeting with a family member or friend who is to play the role of Sonia. You are to record this encounter and upload the recording to Connect for your assessor to view after it has been uploaded.

Task 2 - Legal and ethical considerations

You are to answer the three questions below in a new Word document. Include your reference sources using Harvard or APA referencing. You are to name this Word document Task 2 Legal and Ethical Considerations.

1. Identify three pieces of legislation and their associated requirements that you are to follow when organising business meetings.

2. Identify two organisational procedures from Oliver Trading and explain three requirements needed to organise meetings between Oliver Trading management and staff.

3. Research two cultures, different from the Australian culture, for the purpose of identifying any specific cultural etiquette (such as meeting any special dietary needs at certain times of the year, gesturing, verbal communication, etc.). Explain what this etiquette is and how it may be important to know when there is a need to organise business meetings.

Attachment:- Organise Meetings Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132358220

Questions Cloud

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8/16/2019 12:46:13 AM

No of Pages/Words: 2 pages. Hello, I attached the task sheet and the 3 questions I need it answered. Instructions to Assessor Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources. Assessment should be based on the student’s workplace or on the Oliver Trading simulated workplace environment. The student must have access to all required organisational policies, procedures and guidelines or access the Oliver Trading documents.


8/16/2019 12:46:06 AM

Student must seek and gain permission to make audio or video recordings of meetings according to the requirements of the assessment task. Students studying in a classroom environment will be observed directly by their assessor for those parts of the assessment that require them to be observed interacting with others. Online students will have to video their interactions and upload them to the Connect LMS for their assessor to observe.


8/16/2019 12:45:58 AM

Assessors to mark according to Benchmark Answers and/or Marking Criteria and adopt the processes below: Use the Marking Criteria and Benchmark Answers provided to guide marking of the assessment tasks; Provide feedback to the student including requirements to resubmit and/or opportunities for improvement; Students are afforded two attempts per assessment task; and Students may seek support between attempts. It is important that assessors provide opportunities for learning along with their feedback for any resubmission requirements. Note to Student - An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

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