Identify two key areas of personal capability

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Reference no: EM131502304 , Length: word count:2500

Assignment Task -

The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, so as to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved) so an to increase their communication effectiveness.

This assignment has three specific components.

1. Diagnosis and Reflection - 1000 words

a) Using a minimum of 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, such as the Johari Window, Communications Style Questionnaire, Assertiveness Questionnaires etc., you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, assertiveness perception etc. see Weeks 1 and 2 in The Schedule and also you can base this on your reflection from the first assessment of your oral and written presentation.

b) You are to present the findings of the tools and identify 2 of your key communication issues that you have identified as requiring development.

c) Reflect on two recent professional interactions that you have had within the past 12 months. Analyse these interactions from the perspective of the two key communication issues that are identified as requiring development. To what extent are these evident and support the need for personal communication development?

2. Literature review - 1000 words

You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed so as to demonstrate effective practice. This literature review needs to outline both the conceptually (theoretical) and behavioural (interpersonal skills) that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chose area of communication.

3. Action Plan - 500 words

As a conclusion you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviours identified as requiring development in component 1. This can include the following:

  • undertaking specific short courses, to develop skills (must be actual courses),
  • undertaking advanced post graduate communication courses at CQU or other institutions,
  • a reading plan to acquire conceptual knowledge, that may include specific communication texts and self-help books (must be specified),
  • maintaining of personal journals reflecting on communication interactions,
  • Identification of a mentor (evidence must be provided).

This section must include actionable items with timelines (such as a Gantt chart) and an indication of how you will measure their successful completion.

Assessment Criteria -

Definition of key communication concepts and terms.

Demonstration of understanding of relevant communication models and concepts as the basis for analyzing personal communication and organisational contexts that impact in effective communication.

The use of a minimum of 5 diagnostic tools and discussion of the results.

Identify short courses at AIM or other institutions, or specific electives and how these will address the developmental need identified in the earlier section.

Demonstrate a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 12 academic sources from recommended texts and Journal articles.

Ability to prepare a professional presentation in the nominated format.

Use of the APA in text referencing system to correctly cite academic sources.

As Masters students you are required to engage in research as per the Australia Quality Framework (AQF) guidelines.

Two specific requirements need to be considered. Students need to demonstrate "a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice, and demonstrate "knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to a field of work and/or learning".

Reference no: EM131502304

Questions Cloud

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Identify two key areas of personal capability : Using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, so as to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved)
Would you try to influence your area of interest : What is the reason for your interest or analysis? Would you try to influence your area of interest? Why or why not? How?
What makes a good business decision : Create an argumentative essay explaining what makes a good business decision.Discuss why the business decision is good or not good for business.
Analyze a different watershed for which stream flow data : Analyze a different watershed for which stream flow data and precipitation data are available for the specific period, and present results in a written paper.
Develop an environmental analysis : Develop an environmental analysis that includes competitive, economic, political, legal, technological, and sociocultural forces.



5/20/2017 5:01:58 AM

Australian student, 2500 words, need it as per the guidelines. And the reference style is APA and also assessment title is self reflection essay : interpersonal communication. Each unit in the MBA has a number of required weekly readings in terms of academic texts, journals and business publications that represent the appropriate body of knowledge and recent developments referred to by the AQF. In order to demonstrate the ability to engage in appropriate research, students should read and utilise these texts and journals and publications, and as Masters students, indicate a willingness to research beyond this minimum standard through additional texts, journals and studies that demonstrate an ability to engage in independent research. Students should insure that they understand the specific research that is required for each assessment piece and recognise that if they meet this minimum requirement, you will receive the minimum grade for demonstrated research.


5/20/2017 5:01:53 AM

A highly professional essay presented with all elements included. Superior articulation of the six elements of an introduction. 5 diagnostic tools used were relevant to the study and the basis for their inclusion was clear. All results discussed were relevant to the student and in-depth analysis occurred at a very high standard. 2 key areas identified and relevant reasons given and 2 recent professional interactions were identified and analysed in-depth based of key areas requiring development and 2 key issues were clearly identified based on diagnosis and reflection. Both issues were defined, concepts and key models were clearly identified. Theoretical and behavioural skills were clearly identified. Detailed 6 month action plan with timeline and success measure included. 12 academic sources were used. Sources are all credible. The sources were correctly referenced using APA. Superior written communication.

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