Identify two independent variables they might consider

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Reference no: EM133658153

Discussion Post

Steele-Moses, S.K., Creel, E.L., & Carruth, A.K. (2018). Recruitment attributes important to new nurse graduates employed on adult medical-surgical units. Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 27(5),310-328.

Use the article below to answer the questions

Steele-Moses, S.K., Creel, E.L., & Carruth, A.K. (2018). Recruitment attributes important to new nurse graduates employed on adult medical-surgical units. Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 27(5),310-328.

Steele-Moses, Creel, & Carruth (2018) conducted a study to "elucidate the factors new nurse graduates consider when making their first employment decisions." Qualitative interviews with 10 nurses on a med-surg unit revealed that new nurses considered supportive management, feeling valued, and work-life balance to be most important (p. 311).

For this discussion post, the researchers want to generalize the findings in a follow-up quantitative correlational study with a nationally representative study sample. The purpose of the study is "to determine if specific recruitment attributes are associated with new nurse graduate's employment decision."

A. Explain the difference between the independent and dependent variables using your textbook (or other scholarly resource).

B. Thinking about the findings in the Steele-Moses, Creel, & Carruth (2018) article, identify two independent variables they might consider using for the new study.

C. In your response posts, go beyond phrases such as "great thoughts, great points, excellent, or I had the same thought." Respectfully suggest how their idea might be revised or refined with other similar variables including your rationale for choosing. No reference is needed for the response to colleague posts.

Reference no: EM133658153

Questions Cloud

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